Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 30, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 2013 — MĀKEKE THE MARKETPLACE [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Classified ads only $12.50 - Type or clearly write your ad of no more than 175 characters (including spaces and punctuation) and mail, along with a eheek for $12.50, to: Ka Wai Ola Classifieds, Office of Hawaiian Affairs, 711 Kapi'olani Blvd., Honolulu, Hl 96813. M ake eheek payable to OHA. (We cannot accept credit cards.) Ads and payment must be received by the 1 5th for the next month's edition of Ka Wai Ola. Send your information by mail, or e-mail kwo@oha.org with the subject "Makeke/Classified". OHA reserves the right to refuse any advertisement, for any reason, at our discretion.

4-SALE Hawaiian Memonal Park - Calv. Hill-1 plot$l,850. 0r $2,500 for 2 plots, firm. Phyllis Jackson ph. 982-8861. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. BŪBBIE KENNEDY (RA), with Ūiaham Realty ine., years of experience with DHHL properties anel general real estate, on all islands. Featured Realtor of the Week in the Honolulu Star-Advertiser. 808-545-5099, 808-221-6570, emaih Kichigai@ aol.com. FEE SIMPLE Spencer Terrace 2 bd/1 ba near Ward Ave. $327,000. Kapolei: Malu'ohai - 3 bd/2 ba single story, flag lot for additional parking $383,000. Kamuela: 4 bd/2.5 ba 250,000. Leasehold. Maui: Undivided interest $35,000 Leasehold. Charmaine I. Quilit Poki (R) Prudential Locations LLC 295-4474. HAWAIIAN CŪMMUNITYASSETS Firsttime buyer seminars - Call Ken Gines Realtor Century 21 All lslands for next class. 808-389-0489 lie. RN20540. HAWAIIANSTRAMPLED. CULPRIT: Hawai i Legislature. How? Kana iolowalu blasts our privacy and snubs our freedom of ehoiee guaranteed in the Bill of Rights. Solution: Support Class Action Lawsuit. Na Koa Ikaika. Imhubbard@hawaiiantel. netor 808-487-2311. HELP F0R FURL0UGHED H0ME0WNERS - Call Ken Gines Realtor Century 21 All lslands to learn your options. 808-389-0489 lie. RB20540. KAHIKINUI, MAUI LŪT Lease for sale $120,000 or trade. Email kekuewajr@ yahoo.com or eall 808-256-2620. MAJ0R REDUCTI0N IN PRICE! Paradise found at Kawaihae fronting the oeean.

Live the Hawaiian lifestyle minutes to beaches. Quonset is 2,460 sq. ft. Iiving space on 15,000 sq. ft. lot. 4 bd/l ba. Contact Annie Howes, R (S) 808-937-6256. MAUI - KULA: Undivided interest residential leases. Kahikinui - 20 acres pastoral, great property, lots of potential. Waiehu Kou 5/3 large 2-story custom home. Waiohuli 3 bd/2 ba home. Graham Realty ine., Bobbie Kennedy (RA) 808-221-6570. MAUI, WAI0HULI, KULA - $399,000 3 bd/3.5 ba home on 1 -acre lot. Leasehold. Edwina Pennington, Era Pacific Properties 808-291-6823. MOLOKA'I ONEALI'I BEAŪHFR0NT Oneacre beachfront ŪHHL lease $100,000. Five minutes from town. Existing house on property, water hook-up. Make offer ph. 808-938-6189. 0'AHU -WAIMĀNAL0: undivided interest residential lease, great opportunity for a qualified Native Hawaiian to select a new home. DHHL leases. Graham Realty ine., Bobbie Kennedy (RA) 808-221-6570. SPECIALIZING IN HELPINū 0UR VETERANS -Sell, buy or manage your property. Call Kan Gines Realtor Century 21 All lslands. 808-389-0489 lie. RB20540. THE REAL ESTATE LADY - Charmaine I. Quilit Poki (REALT0R) Prudential Loeations LLC 808-295-4474. Specialize in Fee Simple & Hawaiian Home Lands Properties, (27 Years of experience). ĪHINKINŪ ŪFSELLING Ūall Ūhannaine I. Quilit Poki (R) 295-4474. Prudential Loeations LLC. To view current listings go to my website CharmaineQuilitPoki.com. Call

or email me at Charmaine.QuilitPoki@ PruHawaii.com to learn more about homeownership. Mahalo nui. WAI'ANAE: Spacious 4 bd/2.5 ba 7,150 sf. lot, moss rock wall, Photovoltaic, 1 bd/l ba downstairs $379,000. Wai'anae 3 bd/1.5 ba $239,000. Wai'anae 3 bd/1.5 ba $225,000. Wai'anae 2 bd/l ba $200,000. Wai'anae 3 bd/2 ba corner lot needs TLC $165,000. Nānākuli 4 bd/2 ba

corner lot/rock wall $265,000. Call Charmaine I. Quilit Poki (REALT0R) Prudential Locations LLC 808-295-4474. WAI0HULI, MAUI Residential ŪHHL, leasehold, home for sale, fenced .982 acre. Great views. 4-5 bd/3 ba, separate office w/bath or bed & bath. Storage buildings. Flexible floor plan. Joe Novit, RB-18517, Maui Style Realty, Ph. 808-357-5432.

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