Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 30, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 2013 — OHA Board Actions Compiled by Garett Kamemoto [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
OHA Board Actions Compiled by Garett Kamemoto
The following actions were taken by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Board of Trustees, and are summarized here. For more information on actions taken by the board, please see the complete meeting minutes posted online at www.oha.org/about/board-trustees.
- LEGEND i 'Ae (Yes) 9 'A'ole (No) I i Kānalua (Abstain) 9 Excused
Moves to approve the following actions: Motion passes with seven AYES | 1. the addition of one (1) Full Time Equivalent (FTE) position - Geographic lnformation System (GIS) Specialist (Research votes andtwo EXCUSED. LOB) for a total cost of $75,498 per year; and 2. the addition of one (1) Full Time Equivalent (FTE) position - Papāhanaumokuākea Program Manager (Advocacy LOB) for a total cost of $110,638 per year; and 3. the addition of one (1) Full Time Equivalent (FTE) position - Papāhanaumokuākea Program Specialist IV (Advocacy LOB) for a total cost of $78,090 per year; and 4. the addition of one (1) Full Time Equivalent (FTE) position - Publications Lead (Community Engagement LOB) for a total cost of $97,613 per year; and 5. the procurement of a Financial Analyst to support the ARM Committee, in an amount not to exceed $95,000 per year for two years; and 6. adoption of the Total Operating Budget for the Fiscal Biennium Periods 2013-2014 and 2014-2015, as amended 'AII salary figures include fringe and other benefit totals and represent the maximum that ean be spent on eaeh position. Motion to Approve of FY2013 Native Hawaiian Roll Commission Budget Realignment #1 ^ 0tvotesanTtwoEXOJSED '
On June 27, 2013, the Office of Hawaiian Affairs' Board of Trustees (BOT) approved its operating budget for the fiscal biennium period from July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2015. Its operating budget authorizes spending up to $42,450,206 in the year that started July 1, 2013 and $40,145,619 for the year starting July1, 2014.
In addition, the BOT approved increasing staff size by four new positions. Below is a summary of the budget as approved by the BOT. The budget represents the maximum authorization for spending unless further amended by the BOT. The full action item, as revised and approved by the BOT, ean be viewed in the
FUNDING SOURCES FY 2014 FY 2015 OPERATING BUDGET Personnel $13,697,961 $13,866,577 Non-Personnel 22,649,788 21,225,332 Sub-total Operating: $36,347,749 $35,091,909 COMMERCIAL PROPERTĪĒS BUDGET Gentry Pacific Design Center $2,017,000 $1,947,000 Kaka'ako Makai 1,281,448 1,053,500 Sub-totalCommercial Properties: SPECIAL PROGRAMS BUDGET Federal HLID Project $822,234 $ 506,215 NHRLF Program 584,008 682,997 EPA Brownfields - Kaka'ako Makai* 400,000 0 Sub-total Federal Budget: $1,806,242 $1,189,212 OTHER Hi'ilei Aloha & Subsidiaries 847,767 713,998 Ho'okele Pono & Subsidiaries 150,000 150,000 Sub-total Other: $997,767 $863,998 Sub-totalSpecialPrograms $2,804,009 $2,053,210 Budget: Total Operating Budget: $42,450,206 $40,145,619
minutes of the meeting at www.oha.org/ about/board-trustees. T0TAL 0PERATING BUDGET OHA's Total Operating Budget (TOB) reflects all funds that may be spent by OHA regardless of the source of funding. A breakdown
of eaeh specific section follows. By eomparison, for the fiscal period July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013, OHA's total operating budget allocation was $45,295,586, whieh included $3 million in spending authorization from its Fiscal Reserve fund. No request to authorize spending from the Fiscal Reserve fund was
made for the fiscal biennium period from July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2015.
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