Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 30, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 2013 — Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Attention: Kau Inoa, Hawaiian Registry Piogram and Operation 'Ohana registrants .
A HAWAIIAN NAĪION REEMERGES A crucial step in reestablishing a Hawaiian nation is for Native Hawaiians to eome forward and engage in that process. Enrolling with Kana'iolowalu is that opportunity.Take up the kuleana and enroll at hawaiianroll.org or use the forrr on page 8. Kana'iolowalu may be the last ehanee to register to participate in organizing a Hawaiian nation.
^ ln 2011, Act 195 establishes an offidal roll of Native Hawaiians who,along with theirdescendants,will beacknowledged by the State of Hawai'i as the"indigenous, ™ aboriginal, maoli population of Hawai'i"
Following Act 195, the Native Hawaiian Roll L. Commission begins registering Native Hawaiiansonthe — official roll
In 201 3, Act 77 directs the Roll CommissiontoincludeOHA's HL Kau Inoa, Hawaiian Registry Program, and Operation 'Ohana registrants on the offīcial roll
Native Hawaiians preserve Hawaiian sovereignty through a wide arrayofefforts
Numerous . Hawaiian . ^ groupsseekto r reestablish a Hawaiian nation
W A convention may occur during whieh those on the Kana'iolowalu Roll will be given the kuleana to participate in decision making . processesthatmaydetermine: jj| 1) Whether Native Hawaiians will seek state, federal and/or ■k international recognition 2) The principles of the national governing document W 3) Who will be induded as citizens in the Hawaiian nation 4) Who will have voting privileges in the Hawaiian nation 5) Whowill receive potential benefitsofthe Hawaiian nation
Before September 1 5, 201 3, Kau Inoa, Hawaiian Registry Program, and 0peration'0hana registrants may requestthat OHA N0T transfertheir names to the Roll Commission by returning the form on page 35
On September 1 5, 201 3, I OHA will transfer Kau k Inoa, Hawaiian Registry I Program,andOperation 'Ohana registrants to the ~
Through January 15,2014, ! additional Native Hawaiiansmay ™ ' registerforthe 1 js-i
NATIVE HAWAIIANS who choose not to be induded on the official roll risk waiving theirright, and the right oftheirchildren and descendants, to be legally and politically acknowledged as Native Hawaiians and to participate in a future convention to reorganize the Hawaiian nation (as described above), and as a result may also be exduded from being granted rights of indusion (citizenship), rights of participation (voting), and rights to potential benefits that may eome with citizenship (e.g., Iand use rights, monetary payments, scholarships, etc.). See page 35.
NATIVE HAWAIIANS Sign up now for the official roll at hawaiianroll.org or use the form on page 8 to ensure that you, your children and your descendants are included in the process of organizing a Hawaiian nation and receiving potential benefits and rights. Tell your Hawaiian extended 'ohana and friends to register as well so they will not be excluded.
If you haveany questions regarding the transfer of information from OHA to the Native Hawaiian Roll Commission under Act 77, eall 594-1835.