Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 30, Number 7, 1 Iulai 2013 — Page 34 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
ZABLAN - The Hui O Zablan Pienie will be from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. on Sat., 17 Aug 2013 at Magic Island, Ala Moana Park, Section 30, the mauka section closest to the street. It is a potluek. Bring your own chairs. The Hui O Zablan Reunion Luneheon will be a lū'au on Sat., 2 Nov 2013, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. at NAVFAC (Navy Facilities Engineering Command) Hawai'i Recreation/Ball Field. Entrance is only from Salt Lake Blvd. Take Marshall Road going makai from Salt Lake Blvd. to site. Bring a grab bag. Donations for the food bank will be weleome. For reservations, eall Aunīie Leatrice Zablan, 734-4779. T-Shirts: A new Zablan deep red shirt with a gold Hawaiian shirt design, and a goldenrod yellow shirt with a red family crest design again features Cousin Kimo Zablan's artwork. Cousins Jimbo and Tammy Correa Beaumont are producing the shirts at a very reasonable price. Shirts will be available for purchase at the Pienie and again at Reunion Lū'au Luneheon. Bring your kālā. Call Cousin Susan Victor 988-1272, if you have any late additions to Family Album. The Hui hope to see all of you Joaquin Zablan and Ane Nahaku Keaweamahi and Joaquin Zablan and Maria Bothelo descendants and our extended families. HALEAKALA - The descendants of Antone Marcus and Welhelmina Haleakala are having a reunion Aug. 9-11, 2013, at Pu'uohala Park, Wailuku, Maui. Their children were: Evelyn (Haleakala) Ayau-Laimana, Frank Haleakala and Manuel Haleakala. Antone Marcus' last name originally is known as "Kaowao" or "Ka'ao'ao." His mother was Kamakaokalani and her parents were Mahiai and Ka'ao'ao. Antone Marcus was raised in Pe'ahi, Maui, and I found that the "Alu" name was also mentioned in my research. Antone Marcus Haleakala worked on the railroad on Maui but did not say mueh about his 'ohana. If anyone knows anything or recognized his name, please contact me at: hinal3ulu@gmail.com or mail me at: Annehe Haleakala-Coats, 73-4330 Oneone St., Kailua-Kona, HI 96740. NAPELA - My great-great-grandmother is Kaohua Napela, (married to George W. Higgins), born in Kona 1844 and died in Hilo 1900. She had a sister, Hoohuli Napela. I am looking for the names of their parents and their ancestral line. Family tradition says Kaohua is related to Hattie (Harriet) Napela Parker, wife of Sam Parker of the Big Island. My Napela family is from Kona and Hattie's family is from Maui. Can anyone help me find a eonneehon between these two Napela families? Are there other Napelas on the Big Island who are related to Kaohua and Hattie? Contact Maureen Conner at mlucardie@yahoo.com or eall (727) 842-2373. PEAHI - My great-great-grandmother is Lulu Peahi. She was born around 1890 in Kona, Hawai'i, and died July 8, 1941, in Honolulu. Her mother was Kaahoomaoi and her father was William Peahi. If anyone has information, please eall Kamaka at (808) 286-0022 or email at kamakajingao@gmail.com. Mahalo anui.