Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 30, Number 7, 1 July 2013 — Kawaiahaʻo Church School [ARTICLE]
Kawaiahaʻo Church School
Registration is open for toddlers through grade 5 at Kawaiaha'o Church School, a Christian-based Montessori school near downtown Honolulu. Toddlers and preschoolers may enter at any time in the school session as long as space permits. Enrollment for elementary is for the fall session. All programs encompass a limited amount of Hawaiian language vocabulary andphrasing. In addition, the preschool, whieh spans age 3 to 6, offers a dual-language program, whieh teaches Hawaiian and English simultaneously. In comparison, Hawaiian language immersion formally introduces English in the fifth grade. Kawaiaha'o Church School accepts Kamehameha Schools' Pauahi Keiki Scholars Preschool Scholarship Program and other
types of hnaneial aid. For more information, visit kawaiahaoschool. org. Or, eall 585-0622 to make an appointment for a site visit.