Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 30, Number 7, 1 July 2013 — Conservation ʻaha pau hana [ARTICLE]

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Conservation ʻaha pau hana

The 21st annual Hawai'i Conservation Conference will be featuring a Community Connections Pau Hana July 17 from 1 to 8:30 p.m. at the Hawai'i Convention Center. The puhlie is invited to attend the two-part pau hana at no cost. From

1 to 5:30 pm., the Hawai'i Green Growth Initiative will host "Building Partnerships for a Sustainable Future," featuring interactive roundtable discussions sharing examples of cross-sector collaboration. In addition, forums will showcase sustainability issues such as seafood security, water and climate change, tourism and environment, and more. The 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. session, "Kupa 'Ai Kākou," will feature activities on multisensory Hawaiian art, and culture and cuisine, including tastings featuring locally sourced food and drink by 0'ahu's favorite chefs such as Mark Noguehi of Pili Hawai'i and Taste, Ed Kenney of TOWN, and Daniel Anthony of Mana 'Ai. Attendees will also get a ehanee to talk story with more than 40 green market vendors and green organizations, view a pop-up art exhibition by Maoli Real Time Arts Gallery, listen to live Hawaiian music and watch a film screening of Seeds of Hope. No registration is necessary. For more information on the pau hana or the July 16 to 18 Hawai'i Conservation Conference, themed "Live Today, Sustain Tomorrow: Connecting People, Places and Planet," visit hawaiiconservation.org.

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