Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 30, Number 7, 1 July 2013 — LIVING LAULIMA [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
More than 40 staff from 0HA's Resource Management Line of Business helped restore the ancient He'eia Fishpond in May. Following a short walking tour of the Windward O'ahu fishpond, Resource Management staff were put to work carrying heavy buckets of coral and lashing four mōkāhō, sluice gates that regulate salt water and fresh water input. Showing their newly lashed mākāhā are David Okamoto, left, Alieia Wailehua-Hansen, Charlyn Ontai, Hawley lona, Tracy Mattos, Kaiwi Nui, Shannon Toriki, Winfred Cameron and Brutus La Benz. - Photo: VictorLo