Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 30, Number 5, 1 Mei 2013 — OHA Maui meetings [ARTICLE]
OHA Maui meetings
The puhlie is invited to eome and learn more about the Office of Hawaiian Affairs' programs and activities at two meetings on Maui, whieh kiek off OHA's 20 13 Neighbor Island meetings.
The two Maui meetings are scheduled as follows: • Community meeting at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 15 at Kamehameha Schools-Maui, Nāmāhana Dining Hall on the elementary school campus. The address is 275 'A'apueo Parkway in Pukalani. • Board of Trustees meeting on Thursday, May 16 at 9 a.m. at the J. Walter Cameron Center Auditorium, 95 Mahalani St., in Wailuku. For more information, eall īhelma Shimaoka at OHA's Maui office at (808) 873-3364. Additional Community and BOT meetings are planned on Moloka'i in June, Lāna'i in July, Kaua'i in August, and Hawai'i Island in September. More details will be announced in Ka Wai Ola and on oha.org.