Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 30, Number 5, 1 Mei 2013 — OHA Board Actions [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

OHA Board Actions

Compiled by Garett Kamemoto

The following actions were taken by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Board of Trustees, and are summarized here. For more information on actions taken by the board, please see the complete meeting minutes, including the legislative matrix mentioned helow, posted online at www.oha.org/about/board-trustees.

- LEGEND i 'Ae (Yes) 9 'A'ole (No) i Kānalua (Abstain) 9 Excused

Motion to change OHA's position on SCR51 from Comment to Support with Amendments. Motion to reconsider the previous vote on SCR51. Motion to change OHA's position on SCR51 from Comment to Support with Amendments. Motion to approve Administration's recommendations regarding New Bills and Bill Positions for Reconsideration, add SCR92, SR58, HCR51, HR33 as SUPPORT, add HCR98 as COMMENT, and change OHA's position on SCR51 from Comment to Support with Amendments on the OHA Legislative matrix dated March 20, 2013, as amended. Motion to appoinī the following to the Committee on Asset and Resource Management: for the Chairperson, Trustee Peter Apo; for the Vice-Chairperson, Trustee Robert Lindsey; members of this Committee: all remaining Trustees. So there will be nine Trustees on the Standing Committee on Asset and Resource Management. Motion to appoinī Trustee Oswald Stender as Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees. Motion to approve Administration's recommendations regarding New Bills alongwith the following changes: • HCR78 from Monitor to SUPPORT, • SCR123 from Monitor to COMMENT • SCR138 from Support to COMMENT • HB17 from Support to SUPPORT WITH AMENDMENTS, • SB237 from Oppose to COMMENT, and • SB3 from Comment to OPPOSE on the OHA Legislative matrix dated March 27, 2013, as amended. Motion to approve Administration's recommendations on New Bills and Bill Positions for Reconsideration, as well as add GM753 as SUPPORT on the OHA Legislative matrix dated April 3, 2013, as amended. Motion to approve Administration's recommendations on New Bills and add GM755 as SUPPORT, on the OHA Legislative matrix dated April 10, 2013, as amended. Motion to authorize the disbursement of funding as part of this action totaling $1.5 million to provide supplemental funding for Hawaiian-focused charter schools for the school year 2012-2013, to address the anticipated funding needs faced by these schools. *Trustee Robert Lindsey recused himselffrom taking a vote on this motion because ofa potential conflict ofinterest. Motion to approve one additional Full Time Equivalent (FTE) position - Funding Source Specialist IV (Resource Management LOB). Motion to approve the Total Operating Budget Realignment #3 for the fiscal year 2013 as outlined in Attachment 1, less $63,480, the salary and fringe cost associated with the four deferred positions.

Motion fails with fourAYES, three NO votes and two EXCUSED. Motion passes with six A YES, one ABSTENTION and two EXCUSED. Motion passes with six A YES, one ABSTENTION and two EXCUSED. Motion passes with seven AYESandtwoEXCUSED. Motion passes with six A YES, one ABSTENTION and two EXCUSED. Motion passes with six A YES, one ABSTENTION and two EXCUSED. Motion passes with seven AYESandtwoEXCUSED. Motion passes with seven AYESandtwoEXCUSED. Motion passes with seven AYESandtwoEXCUSED. Motion passes with six A YES, one ABSTENTION and two EXCUSED. Motion passes with seven AYESandtwoEXCUSED. Motion passes with seven AYESandtwoEXCUSED.

Motion to approve and authorize the disbursement of $12,900 from the Fiscal Year 2014 Core Operating Budget and $15,000 from the Fiscal Year 2015 Core Operating Budget to fund Effective Planning lnnovative Communication lnc. (dba Epie 'Ohana) as listed on Attachment A- OHA FB 2014-15 Community Grant Recommendations Matrix. (Also listed in KWO in the Grants Chart on page 4.) *Trustee Oswald Stender recused himself because ofa possible conflictofinterest. Motion to approve and authorize the disbursement of $328,210 from the Fiscal Year 2014 Core Operating Budget and $434,833 from the Fiscal Year 2015 Core Operating Budget to fund the remaining three Fiscal Biennium 2014-2015 Community Grant recommendations: • ltem #3 - Habitat for Humanity West Hawai'i, • ltem #30 - Waimea Hawaiian Homesteaders Association, and • ltem #33 - North Hawai'i Community Hospital as listed on Attachment A - OHA FB 2014-15 Community Grant Recommendations Matrix. (Also listed in KWO in the Grants Chart on page 4) *Trustee Robert Lindsey recused himselfbecause ofa possible conflict ofinterest. Motion to approve and authorize the disbursement of $3,901,992 from the Fiscal Year 2014 Core Operating Budget and $3,288,347 from the Fiscal Year 2015 Core Operating Budget to fund 30 Fiscal Biennium 2014-2015 Community Grant recommendations as listed on Attachment A - OHA FB 2014-15 Community Grant Recommendations Matrix. (Also listed in KWO in the Grants Chart on page 4.)

Motion passes with eightAYES and one ABSTENTION. Motion passes with eightAYES and one ABSTENTION. Motion passes with nine AYES.

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