Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 30, Number 5, 1 Mei 2013 — Charter schools to get $1.5 million boost from OHA [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Charter schools to get $1.5 million boost from OHA

By Harold Nedd The Board of Trustees for the Office of Hawaiian Affairs has awarded a $1.5 million grant to help charter schools with a particular interest in students from the Native Hawaiian community keep paee with growing enrollment. The OHA grant is expected to help the 17 Hawaiianfocused charter schools comprising the Nā Lei Na'auao Allianee to cover various costs associated with teaching and feeding students, as well as transporting them to school.

Student enrollment at Hawaiian-focused charter schools reached 4,033 this year, from 127 students in 2000, when the first school of its kind opened. Since 2005, OHA has contributed $11.1 million to these charter schools in the allianee. "Our support for Hawaiian-focused charter schools reflects the role we believe they play in contributing to an environment where children have an opportunity to thrive," said OHA Chairperson Colette Machado. "We are extremely encouraged by their efforts to point Hawaiian students in the right direction." Taffi Wise, the executive director of the Kanu O Ka 'Āina Learning Center in Kamuela, characterized the OHA grant as a much-needed boost for the 2012-2013 school year. "I don't know where we would be without support from the Office of Hawaiian Affairs," she said. "OHA's support literally keeps our doors open." ■

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Kanu 0 Ka 'Āina on Hawai'i lsland is among the 1 7 Hawaiian-focused charter schools benefiting from cont[nued supportfrom the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. - Courtesy: Kanu 0 Ka 'Aina Leaming 'Ohana