Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 30, Number 4, 1 ʻApelila 2013 — HOʻOHUI ʻOHANA FAMILY REUNIONS [ARTICLE]
E nā 'ohana Hawai'i: lf you are planning a reunion or looking for genealogical information, Ka Wai Ola will print your listing at no charge on a space-available basis. Listings should not exceed 200 words. OHA reserves the right to edit a 1 1 submissions for length. Send your information by mail, or e-mail kwo@OHA.org. E ola nāmamo a Hāloa!
AKUNA - The descendants of Goo Tong Akuna/Puakailima Kaholokula and Goo Tong Akuna/Chang Shee (aka Chang Oe) will be holding their eighth family reunion in Las Vegas July 29-31, 2013. Check in is July 29. This event will be held at the Califomia Hoīel. All descendants of Ah Ki Akuna, Apiu Akuna, Ah Chuck Akuna, Mary Ah Pin Chung-Leong, Hannah Ah Han Ah Fong, Mabel Ah Lan Alana Wallaee, Jack Pun San Akuna, Henrietta Ah Hong Apo, Malia Maria Naehu, Edward K. Akuna, Agnes Neki Igarta, Lawrence Goo, Yeh Wah Goo, Sing Kum Goo, Sim Goo, and Choy Goo are invited to attend. For info, contact Elsie Kali at 9208 W. Meranto Ave., Las Vegas, NV 89178; or (310) 606-0049. Or, contact Mev Igarta at 21129 Catskill Ave., Carson, CA; mevorligarta@ sbcglobal.net or phone (310) 830-8356. JARRETT/KAOO - To all descendants of William Jarrett (1815-1880) and Hannah Kaoo (1825-1867), there will be a family reunion on the island of O'ahu in July. The reunion dates have changed; the new dates are July 20 and 21, 2013. We are seeking descendants of Emma Jarrett (1855-1889) and William Kumukoa Allen (1826-7), also descendants of Jane Kalua Jarrett (1914-1981) and Charles Keaweaheulu Reeves (1904-1945). Family members from these two branches who have not contacted us yet and are interested in attending the family reunion for all descendants of William Jarrett and Hannah Kaoo, please contact us as soon as possible. Submit your contact information (addresses, phone numbers and e-mail addresses) to: Jarrett_fam_reunion@yahoo.com or to 91-832 Pa'aloha St., 'Ewa Beach, HI 96706. Mahalo, Sandy and Lani. JONES - Aloha, the descendants of William Claude a me Ma'eMa'e Jones (from Kāne'ohe, O'ahu) will have its third 'ohana reunion on Saturday, July 13, 2013, at Wailoa State ParkPavilion 2 on the Big Island. We will have a Keiki Fishing toumament sign-up from noon to 12:30 with fishing unīil 2 p.m. An adult must accompany keiki. We will have fellowship from 3 p.m.: talent show/sharing from 3:304:45 p.m., dinner at 5 p.m. If interested in talent show, email kauilaniperdomo@yahoo.com. We are asking our 'ohana to bring one main dish and either a side dish or dessert. The 'ohana will supply the paper goods, rice, green salad, juice and water. Please contact Karen DeSilva at (808) 966-6872 or Noelani Spencer via email nspencer 001 @hawaii.rr.com to let us know if you will be attending and dishes you will be bringing. We will be creating T-shirts, so if you would like to ensure that we contact you, email or eall one of the cousins mentioned above. We invite all descendants and extended 'ohana to join us. KALEOHANO/WENTWORTH To all descendants of (h) Apela married (w) Waiolae, children are: Kaiapa Apela, (h) James W. Kaleohano (w) Kekipi. Tutu Kekipi's parents
are: (h) Keawe (w) Poaimoku, whose ehildren are: (w) Kuaana (h) Peahi Kealakai, (h) Hawila (w) Aliee Wentworth, (h) Holualoa (w) Keawehaku Kaholi, (h) Holua (w) Keawehaku Kaonohi, (h) Apela (w) Kamela Kaula (h) Howard Hawila Kaleohano & (w) Aliee Ale Wentworth, there will be a family reunion June 22 and 23, 2013, in Kailua-Kona at the 01d Kona Airport. Descendants of Ella Kawailani Wentworth (Obed Naukana Kaiawe), Moses Moke Wentworth (Annie Kaapa/Ilima Uhai Hao), Aliee Ale Wentworth (George K. Beck Sr.), Louisa Kekipi Kaleohano (James Kealaiki Sr.), Annie Kaleohano (Anum Y. Kealamakia), Adeline Waialoa Kaleohano (Moses Keale Sr./ Joseph Kahale), Sophia Kapono Kaleohano (Daniel Huakanou Kaiawe), Smith Kaleohano (Louisa Kawale Kaupu), Howard Hawila Kaleohano (Mabel U. Kahale/Lily Kanohea), Daisy Kauwana Kaleohano (Aeho Young), Mary Haulani Kaleohano (W. Kurishige/ J. Valera) are all invited to this event. For registration and more info, contact Dean Kaiawe 987-3229, Mike Crisafi 323-3002, Sonya Fukushima 3233574 or visit the KaleohanoAVentworth family page on Facebook for updates. KINIMAKA-A July 5-7, 20 1 3 , family reunion in Honolulu is being planned for Kinimaka descendants, and descendants of Hanakeola and David Leleo Kinimaka. Kinimaka and his first wife, Ha'aheo Kaniu, were the mākua hānai of King Kalākaua. In 1 844, Kinimaka married again to Pai and from this union they had one daughter and two sons. Their son David Leleo Kinimaka (hānai brother of King Kalākaua) rose to the rank of eolonel and became the commander of the King's Guard at 'Iolani Palaee. David married Hanakeola in 1874 and their children were: Mary Ha'aheo Kinimaka (m) John Atcherley; Aliee Kehaulani Kinimaka (m) Samuel Mahuka Spencer; Rebecca Kekiionohi Kinimaka (m) Arthur Akina Apana; Fannie Kahale uki-o-Lili-ha Kinimaka (m) Joseph Kunewa, and Mathias Percival Ho'olulu Kinimaka (m) Virginia Keawe. Descendants of John Ka'elemakule Sr. (grandson of Kinimaka), descendants of Samuel Leleo and descendants of Matilda Leleo-Kauwe are all cousins invited to attend this family gathering. A highlight of the family gathering will be a guided tour of 'Iolani Palaee and a family lū'au on the palaee grounds. Mainland and overseas travelers are urged to book air reservations early. For detailed reunion information, please visit the Kinimaka website at Kinimaka.com. For those who do not have access to a computer and are unable to make payment online, eall the Planning Committee at (808) 206-1582 for alternative instructions as soon as practicable. KUPAHU - The descendants of Henry I. Kupahu Sr. and the committee board members will host the 2013 Reunion on Maui N5 Ka 'Oi (Kapalua). The event is scheduled for Labor Day weekend (Aug. 30, 31-Sept. 1, 2013). Fourth Generation, your monthly dues of $25 per person must be paid on or before all
scheduled monthly meetings. Make checks payable to Emilyn Santella or Kaulana Obatay and mail to: Kupahu 'Ohana Maui Reunion 2013, e/o Kaulana Obatay, P.O. Box 10124, Lahaina, HI 96761. All 'Ohana, eheek for updates and scheduled monthly meetings on Facebook via the Kupahu 'Ohana Maui Reunion 2013 site; if you are not a member, please feel free to join. For information, contact Kincaid Sr., at kingndar82@gmail.com or eell (808) 281-3885. As a reminder, this is a camping reunion to reflect on our many kūpuna (Ua hala mai poina/Gone, but not forgotten) who left all of us the value and legacy of being a Kupahu. Mahalo Nui Loa, e Mālama Pono, Kincaid and Darlene Kupahu Sr. NAKAGAWA/AH PUCK/LAU KONG/ THOMAS - Descendants of the Nakagawa, Ah Puek, Thomas and Lau Kong families of Waipi'o Valley will be having a family reunion July 26 and 27, 2013, on Hawai'i Island. Contact Yoko Lindsey (granddaughter of Rachel K. Ah Puek and Charles P. Thomas.) for more information. Email, lindsey.ohana@gmail.com; phone, (808) 989-0854; mailing address, P.O. Box 463 Kamuela, HI 96743. NAUMU - A reunion is being planned for the entire Naumu 'Ohana. It is scheduled for Monday, May 27, 2013, (Memorial Day) between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. It will be held at Ānuenue School, whieh is located at 2528 10th Ave., Honolulu, Hawai'i 96816. Please contact Charles Naumu at cjmnaumu@ hawaii.rr.com, (808) 247-5926; or 45-837 Luana Plaee, Kāne'ohe, Hawai'i 96744. PAHUKOA - The descendants of Thomas and Marianna Pahukoa are having a family reunion July 4-7, 2013, at the Ke'anae Peninsula on the island of Maui, Hawai'i. We have a committee of 'ohana that are putting together a fun event. We are working on housing. Shirts and genealogy books are available for presale and donations are also being accepted. Please eall 1-808-281-0040 if you are interested and want to eome or email me at lpahukoa@hotmail.com or my mailing address is 1885 Launiupoko Plaee, Wailuku, HI 96793. Please make checks payable to Pahukoa 'Ohana Reunion Fund. Order forms are being mailed out and we have been sending out newsletters. If you haven't gotten one, please eall me so that I ean add you to the mailing list. Aloha and we hope to see all of our 'ohana there. There is also a website at www.pahukoa.ning.com and Facebook at Thomas and Marianna Pahukoa. YIM/WONG - Yims and Wongs combined family reunion is planned for May 24-26, 2013, at Kualoa Beach Park, Kāne'ohe, Hawai'i. Contact Leila Kahana at email rosejuly.yam@gmail.com or phone (808) 291-2768. Registration deadline is April 1. Family members are descendants of: Carrie Chong Keau Kaehuokalani (Ape) Akima and Thomas Kekahio; Francis Shui Len (Soon Yen) Kaailau Yim and Ah Chew Charles Mokiao; Harry Ah Fook (Mae) Yim;
William Kui Fat Yim; Katherine (Ahlan) Yuen Lan Keolakaiula Yim and George Lam Kin Mau; Harriet Ah Yin Yuen Yin Yim and Nelson Charles Ah Tong Mokiao; July Ah On Kim Yam and Rose Ah Chuck Wong; Violet Ah Yin (Small Ah Yin) Yim and Albert Alapaki Kamakana; David Ah Kau (Ah Sook) Yim; Keala Ah Moe (Amoy) Yim and Frank William Niderost; George Sung Hing Wong; Aliee Tun How Wong and George Pan Yee; See Moy Wong; Ethel Ung Choy Wong and Pluto Mauliola; Sung Wing Wong and Helen Chock Jeon Young; Sam Kwong Wong; Rose Ah Chuck Wong and July Ah On Kim Yam; Robert See Dot Wong and Violet Lan Yuk Zane; David Ung Sau Wong and Josephine Tengan; Look Tung Wong; See Chong Wong; Albert Ah Pu Wong; and Ah Lai Wong. AKANA - I am looking for descendants of Kamalii Akana and Akiona Akana. Akiona Akana was bom in 1891 on Maui and Kamalii Akana was born 1895, also on Maui. Would greatly appreciate any information you're able to find. Mahalo, Marilyn Kido, mkidol0871@ hotmail.com. EPIAKUNA KAUWAIKANAHELE - Aloha brothers. My full Hawaiian family name is: William Epiakuna Kauwaikanahele Waiwaiole Steward. I am still looking for my extended Hawaiian family. The original spelling (1800 Hawaiian/English rendering) of my Hawaiian family name, listed above, might be spelled differently in other cases. For example, Stewart for "Steward" or Kuna for "Epiakuna," and Kanahele for "Kauwaikanahele." If these nam.es have any importance or significance to your Hawaiian family genealogy, feel free to contact me anytime at_wsteward52@yahoo. eom. Aloha. HALEMANO/NAONE - Doing 'ohana research on both the Halemano and Naone sides and would ver}' mueh appreciate any information that could be provided. My mother was Rebecca Elizabeth Halemano. Her father was Henry N. Halemano born around 1907 in Waikapū, Maui. His father was Joseph K. Halemano and mother was Emnia E. (don't know the last name). Henry had three siblings: George, Theresa K. and Alma K. He married Miriam possibly aka Martha Naone (bom 1912) between 1925-1930. Martha's parents were Peter Pahukalepa Naone (k) and Makalei Ahina (w). They were both born in Hilo. Martha had five siblings: Peter N., Joseph Makalii, George, Annie and Mar}'. I believe Peter Pahukalepa's parents were Naone (k) and Manuahi (w). Their parents were Ahina (k) and Nihoa (w). If you have any helpful informahon, please contact me via e-mail to Andy Nelson at islechefan@aol.com (preferred) or eall (808) 754-9900. KA 'OHANA O KALAUPAPA Has records and resources that could provide you with information about any ancestors you might
have had at Kalaupapa. Contact us by e-mail (info@kalaupapaohana.org), mail (Ka 'Ohana O Kalaupapa, P.O. Box 1111, Kalaupapa, HI 96742) or phone (Coordinator Valerie Monson at 808-573-2746). There is no charge for our research. All descendants are also weleome to become part of Ka 'Ohana O Kalaupapa. NAPELA My great-great-grandmoth-er is Kaohua Napela, (married to George W. Higgins), bom in Kona 1844 and died in Hilo 1900. She had a sister, Hoohuli Napela. I am looking for the names of their parents and their ancestral line. Family tradition says Kaohua is related to Hattie (Harriet) Napela Parker, wife of Sam Parker of the Big Island. My Napela family is from Kona and Hattie's family is from Maui. Can anyone help me find a connection between these two Napela families? Are there other Napelas on the Big Island who are related to Kaohua and Hattie7 Please contact Maureen Conner at mlucardie@yahoo.com or eall (727) 842-2373. NEULA-My name is Kelena Kamamalahoe 'o Kamehameha Kēpo'o 'o Kalani Nēula, and I am trying to locate family members on my father's side. My dad's name is Glenn "Keik" Ho'ohuliNēula, and my grandfather's name was William "Tuheitia" Nēula who's from Takapuna, New Zealand, one of the highest chiefs in rank. My grandmother's name is Queen Ella Kapa'onaNēula, who is from North Kohala, Hawai'i. If anyone has information on my 'ohana or are my relatives, please write to me, Kelena "Kelei" Nēula. I'm currently locked up in Arizona due to Hawai'i's overcrowded system. Please write: 1250 E Arica Rd., Eloy, AZ 85131. STEVENS/PURDY - Seeking descendants of James Umialiloa Stevens (1849-1938) and Fannie Kaleleoili Purdy (1857-1933) of Kohala, in order to help complete a family genealogy in preparation for the planning of a family reunion in summer, 2014. Seeking descendants from eaeh of their 13 documented children to provide family group sheets that include dates, locations and other pertinent details. A planning group has already begun monthly meetings in Hilo and significant progress has been made, yet some pukas remain in the database. All data collected will be shared with the 'ohana. Please help us with this effort. The lines we are researching include: Robert Naea Stevens m Harriet Lineoln; Emnia Kao'o Stevens m William Jarrett; Katherine Lahilahi Stevens m James I'I; James Naeahuau Stevens m Annie Keli'inui; Fannie Kaleleoili Stevens; John Keonaona Stevens m Kapuanani Campbell; Lillie Makanoe Stevens; Mattie Kalani Stevens m William Smith; Julia Kaulawenaokalani Stevens; Ned Stevens; Sarah Kaha'ilani Stevens (Pae). We respectfully request any and all interested parties to contact the planning group via email through the planning group's data compiler, Miehael Stevens, at naeahuau@gmail.com. ■
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