Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 30, Number 4, 1 April 2013 — Page 29 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
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Mākao Ahupua'a Information requested by Scientific Consultant Services, Ine. (SCS) on cultural resources and traditional, or ongoing, cultural activities on or near the Church of the Latter Day Saints meeting house to be located on approximately 10.6 acres of land located in Hau'ula, Mākao Ahupua'a, Ko'olauloa District, Island of O'ahu, [TMK: (1) 5-3-016:002]. Please respond within 30 days to Cathleen Dagher at (808) 597-1182. Kahakuloa Ahupua'a Information requested by Scientific Consultant Services, Ine. (SCS) on cultural resources and traditional, or ongoing, cultural activities on or near Camp Maluhia located in 'Ili o Kukuipuka, Kahakuloa Ahupua'a, Wailuku District, Island of Maui [TMK: (2) 3-1-001:028 and 029]. Please respond within 30 days to Cathleen Dagher at (808) 5971182. NOTICE OF CONS ULTATION SECTION 106 OF THE NAĪIONAL HISTORIC PRESERVATION ACT OF 1966 AS AMENDED (2006) KALANIANAOLE HIGHWAY RESURFACING, WEST HIND DR. TOVICINITY OF HANAUMA BAY RD. HONOLULU, OAHU, WAIKIKI FEDERAL-AID PROJECT NUMBER: NH-072-l(056) TMK(S): 3-6-002, 3-6-005, 3-6-003, 3-6-007, 3-7-001, 3-7-005, 3-7-002, 3-7-010, 3-7-011,3-8-001,3-8-014, 3-8-008, 3-8-007, 3-8-004, 3-8-003, 3-9-007, 3-9-035, 3-9-017, 3-9-033, 3-9-002, 3-9-048, 3-9-040, 3-9-041, 3-9-042, 3-9-012 Notice is hereby given that the Federal Highway Administration and State of Hawaii Department of Transportation, Highways Division propose a resurfacing project. The location of the project is the Kalanianaole Highway through the Honolulu district with the project limits as West Hind Drive to the Vicinity of Hanauma Bay Road. The planned undertaking includes the following general tasks: resurfacing and reconstruction within the