Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 30, Number 4, 1 April 2013 — The sounds of Hawaiʻi [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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The sounds of Hawaiʻi

New releases by Na Hōkū Hanohano Award winners

By Francine Kananionapua Murray Bumbye Kūpaoa Hulu Kūpuna Productions LLC

Kūpaoa - Kellen and Kalikollhau (Llhau) Paik, the husbandand- wife team of composers/ musicians/

producers, celebrates the past and present with anticipation for what the future may bring in their ehanning new album Bumbye. Līhau's angelic voice soars with nostalgia as she recalls the past in "Hawaiian Soul" by Jon Osorio. "Bumbye" by Puakea Nogehneier is good fun with a catchy chorus that sings, "Bumbye, e 'ike ana au iā 'oe" - Bumbye, I will be seeing you. mountainapple company.com.

Hula2 Robert Cazimero Mountain Apple Co.

A kumu (teacher) in every sence of the word, to listen to Cazimero is to learn,

whether it is from the storytelling of the lyrics, the silky hula rhythmthat makes you want to move or the joy you ean hear in his voice that reminds you to do what you enjoy, and enjoy what you do. His second solo album inspires and the lesson that we've learned is that sometimes second ean be twice as good. Hula enthusiasts will really enjoy this. mountainapple company.com.

Manawa Mailani HĀ Enterprises

F o r - ■ merly a part of the musieal duet Keahiwai and later the girl g r o u p

MighTyJ, Mailani Makainai's gone solo. Her new CD Manawa (time), captures special moments in time shared with loved ones. Her use of the Hawaiian language is masterful and her matured voice has a richer quality, whieh you'll notice as soon as the first song "Mokapu Ī Ka Maile" starts, and continues throughout the L0 varied mele (songs). mountain applecompany.com.

Mele 'Ailana Manu Boyd Hui Waianuhea LLC

After25 years of recording music with Ho'okena, M a n u Boyd has recorded his first

solo project, but he didn't do it alone. With a dozen original compositions, the noted artist's CD features many musical greats like Robert Cazimero, Jeff Peterson, Louis "Moon" Kauakahi and Waipuna. Notable is the intriguing ying and yang vocals of Boyd and Kainani Kahaunaele, whieh create the perfect balance set to piano in "Lei Pa'iniu," a love song for Kllauea. Previously available as singles on iTunes, the CD is now available at manuboyd. eom and in music stores.

Romantic Waiklkī NāLeo NLP Music ine.

This trio of Hawaiian women has sold over a million CDs and headlined

sold-out shows around the world. Join them in a walk down memory lane aka Waikīkī Beach via their latest release Romatic Waiklkl Seven playful classic tunes join four originals from chalangalang to swing and everything in between to forge a touch of magic inspired by one of the world's most beautiful places, Waikīkī. moun tainapplecompany.com and in music stores thoughout Hawai'i. ■

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