Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 30, Number 4, 1 ʻApelila 2013 — Page 22 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Ka'UmekeKā'eo H ] i ūwaiian immenaon Pubhr CCnrt« Scboof Ka 'Umeke Kā'eo provides a well rounded academic program as a culturally based indigenous Hawaiian Language lmmersion School. Our school prepares students to participate in, and contribute to, the loeal and larger communities. We provide experiential-based Hawaiian learning environments in partnership with our families. We are currently accepting applications for grades K-6 for school year 201 3-201 4. Seats are limited.
For more informution please eall Kealoha at: 933-3482 I Ulu i ke Kuamo'o ♦ I Mana i ka 'Ōiwi ♦ I Kā'eo no ka Hanauna Hou! Inspired by Our Past ~ Empowered by Our Identity ~ Prepared for Our Future