Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 30, Number 4, 1 ʻApelila 2013 — OHA Board Actions [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
OHA Board Actions
Compiled by Garett Kamemoto
The following actions were taken by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Board of Trustees, and are summarized here. For more information on board actions, please see the complete meeting minutes, including the legislative matrix mentioned helow, posted online at oha.org/about/board-trustees. To approve Administration's recommendation to Oppose SB123 SD1 and Monitor SB 168 SD1 on the OHA Legislative matrix. To approve Administration's recommendations regarding New Bills and Bill Positions for Reconsideration, change GM587, HB1330 and SB71 SD1 from Support to Monitor, change SB1235 SD1 from Comment to Support, as well as add HB429 HD1 as Monitor and SB51 SD1 as Oppose on the OHA Legislative matrix dated Feb. 20, 2013, as amended. Moīion to adopt a B0T policy to be included in the OHA B0T Executive Policy Manual as a new subsection entitled "Ceded Lands" within Section 2012, Advocacy: Ceded Lands 2.1. f 0HA reaffirms its policy to protect the ceded lands corpus until the unrelinquished claims of Native Hawaiians are resolved, and 0HA shall oppose the alienaīion of any ceded lands by the State of Hawai'i, except in the following limited situations: 1. 0HA shall not oppose a resolution submitted to the Hawai'i State Legislature pursuant to Act 176 (2009) and Act 169 (2011) for the sale of the fee simple interest of apartments, townhouses, and houses for home ownership, where [1] there is already an agreement in an existing contract with the state agency allowing the homeowner to purchase the fee simple interest for home ownership, [2] there have been prior sales in the same development to the extent that the units have previously been substantially sold, or [3] sales of the fee simple interest were approved by the responsible state housing agency prior to the filing of the lawsuit 0HA v. Hawai'i Finance and Development Corporation, Civil No. 94-4207-11, First Circuit Court, State of Hawai'i, November 4, 1994. 2. 0HA shall not oppose the sale or transfer of remnants by the Department of Land and Natural Resources, State of Hawai'i, so long as 0HA determines that the land proposed by DLNR as a remnant meets 0HA's understanding of the definition of remnant or that the land does not have competing, more important values to the Native Hawaiian community. 3. By not opposing the sales of any ceded lands, 0HA does not waive any right or elaim that it has to a pro rata share of the proceeds of the sale. 4. By not opposing the sales of any ceded lands, 0HA does not directly or indirectly release or limit the claims of the Native Hawaiian people or a Native Hawaiian governing entity. To approve Administration's recommendations regarding New Bills and Bill Positions for Reconsideration, adding the position on SB1 235 as Comment, and changing positions on both ltem 86, HB251 and ltem 451, SB707 SD1 to Support on the 0HA Legislative matrix dated Feb. 13, 2013, as amended. To approve Administration's recommendations regarding New Bills and Bill Positions for Reconsideration, as well as change ltem 65 HB429 from Monitor to Comment, on the 0HA Legislative matrix dated Feb. 27, 2013, as amended. To approve Administration's recommendations regarding New Bills and Bill Positions for Reconsideration, as well as change SB190 from Oppose to Monitor, on the 0HA Legislative matrix dated March 6, 2013, as amended. To approve and authorize the disbursement of $500,000 from 0HA's FY 2014/15 Biennium Community Grants Budget, as approved on Oct. 11, 2012, to fund a joint grant solicitation with Department of Labor and lndustrial Relations - Office of Community Services (DLIR-0CS) for its Employment Core and Recidivism Prevention for Reintegrating lndividuals, hereinafter referred to as the Pu'uhonua Prisoner Reintegration Program.
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