Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 30, Number 3, 1 Malaki 2013 — Page 21 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
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HONOLULU AHUPUA'A NOTICE TO INTERESTED PARTIES IS HEREBY GIVEN that seven unmarked sites containing human skeletal remains (iwi kūpuna), were discovered by Cultural Surveys Hawai'i, Ine. during the course of an archaeological inventory survey (AIS) related to the Honolulu Rail Transit Project (HRTP) located within the ahupua'a of Honolulu, Honolulu (Kona) District, Island of O'ahu. The iwi kūpuna are considered to be over 50 years old and proper treatment shall occur in accordance with applieahle legislation, including Chapter 6E Hawai'i Revised Statues, Section 43, and Hawai'i Administrative Rules (HAR) Chapter 13-300 regarding unmarked burial sites. An evaluation of ethnicity is still pending by the State Historic Preservation Division (SHPD). However, the HRTP intends to treat all remains as reasonably believed to be Native Hawaiian.
Four sites are believed to be burials based on site observations and the context of the remains. One burial site is located within the mauka sidewalk of Halekauwila Street, near the Diamond Head/ mauka corner of the intersection with Keawe Street, within puhlie lands (TMK: 2-1-051: Halekauwila Street ROW), and within the boundaries of Land Commission Award (LCA) 982, a house lot awarded to Kukao. Adjacent LCA's include 7712:6 to Kamamalu and 677 to Queen Emma. A second burial site is located in the mauka sidewalk on Halekauwila Street, at the mauka/Diamond Head Corner of the intersection of Halekauwila Street and Keawe Street within puhlie lands (TMK: 2-1-051 Halekauwila Street ROW) and along the makai boundary of LCA 982, a house lot awarded to Kukao. A third burial site is located in Punehhowl Street just southwest (makai) of Pohukaina Street within
puhlie lands (TMK: 2-1-027 Punehbowl Street ROW) and in proximity to LCA 77 12 to Mataio Kekuanaoa, LCA 247 to Kanaina for Lunalilo, and LCA 3455 to Kaule for Liliha. A fourth burial site is located in Punehhowl Street at the intersection with Ala Moana Boulevard, within puhlie lands (TMK: 2-1-027 Punehhowl Street ROW) andin proximity to LCA 7712 to Mataio Kekuanaoa/V. Kamamalu. Additionally, fragmentary human skeletal remains have been identified at the following locations: • In the parking lot at the maukal' Ewa corner of the intersection of Kekaulike Street and Nimitz Highway, within puhlie lands (TMK: 1-7-002:026) and within LCA 170, a house lot awarded to Mataio Kekuanaoa. • In the makai sidewalk of Halekauwila Street, just Diamond Head of Halekauwila St./Cooke St. intersection (TMK: 2-1-050:067) located along the makai edge of
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