Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 30, Number 3, 1 Malaki 2013 — MEAO LOKO TABLE OF CONTENTS [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


mo'olelo nui | g0ver feature A half century of hulapAGEi4 BY FRANGINE KANANIONAPUA MURRAY As the Memie Monarch Festival prepares to mark its 50th anniversary, we spoke to those in the hula community about the world's most famous hula festival KAIiULU | GOMMUNITY 5 isle leaders honored as Uvjngīrea$uresHUE4 BYTREENASHAPIRO OHA Trustee Oswald Stender, conductor Nola Nahulu and Queen Lili'uokalani Children's Center deputy director Dennis Kauahi are among this year's class of honorees

malaki | march 2013 | Vol. 30, No. 3

mauli ola | healīh Battling diabetes, one step at a time mge 6 BY SARAH PACHEC0

Step Out walk participants who have diabetes will be distinguishable by their red caps. - Courtesy: ADA Hawai'i

Native Hawaiians have a higher risk of developing diabetes, whieh affects more than 20,000 of the lslands' indigenous people. The annual Step Out: Walk to Stop Diabetes raises awareness with support from an OHA grant

Nī HANANA | EVENTS Hula conference i$ dedicated to all thing$ Merrie Monarch page 17 BY MARY ALICE KA'IULANI MILHAM Over three days in May, 40 kumu hula will participate in the lnternational Waikīkī Hula Conference, as it celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Merrie Monarch Festival

'alemanaka | galendar | page 16 i ; C0MPILED BY j KAĪIE YAMANAKA Waimea Valley invites the publie to bring their 'ukulele, guitar j - and their appetites - to a eom- ■ bination jam session and Hawai- ' ian lū'au on March 1 7 in the lush 1 valley on 0'ahu's North Shore. - Courtesy photo

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