Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 30, Number 3, 1 March 2013 — malaki [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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ALFRED APAKA TRIBUTE Sun., March 17, 3-7 p.m. Celebrate the life of Alfred Apaka and eommemorate what would have been this legendary performer's 93rd birthday. Apaka, who helped pave the way for other Hawai'i musicians, will be remembered with performances by The Jeff Apaka Show, Jeff Au Hoy Trio, The Lexington Dancers, Aaron Mahi, Mihana Souza, Darren Benitez, John Cruz, Ken Makuakane, Lopaka Colon, Queenie Ventura, Kealoha Kalama, Pa'hana and Kanoe Miller. The event will be emceed by Harry Bee. Hihon Hawaiian Village Waiklkl Beach Resort, Tapa Bar. No cover charge. 922-6965.

LOCAL VOICES: JEFF PETERSON AND NATHAN AWEAU Thurs., March 21, 7:30 p.m. Join Jeff Peterson, recognized as one of Hawai'i's most versatile guitarists, featured on Grammy Award-winning and -nominated records for Hawaiian music, and Nathan Aweau, winner of three Nā Hōkū Hanohano Awards for Male Vocalist of the Year, in an evening of musical harmony. Maui Arts & Cultural Center, McCoy Studio Theater. $30; $45 VIP. (808) 242-7469 or mauiarts.org.

Waimea Vallev Happenings

Explore one of the last partially intact ahupua'a on O'ahu with two special events going on this month. From the 150-acre botanical garden to the 45-foot Waihī waterfall, the valley is deeply rooted in Hawaiian history and culture. Waimea Valley is located at 59-864 Kamehameha Highway in Hale'iwa. For more information on these events, eall 638-7766 or visit waimeavalley.net.

HAWAIIAN LŪ'AU AND KANIKAPILA WITH THE ABRIGO 'OHANA Sun., Marcli 17, noon-3 p.m. Bring your 'ukulele or guitar to this freestyle music circle. Join in musically, or just eome andlisten to the free jam session. Hungry folk ean indulge in lū'au favorites including kalua pig, mini laulau, baked macadamia nut-crusted fish, poi and more. Lū'au buffet prices are $25 for adults, $15 for ages 4-12. Reservations recommended. (Special valley admission for Kanikapila Sunday for Hawai'i residents and military: $5 adults/$2.50 seniors andkeiki.)

MOONWALK Frl, March 22 Feel the spirit of Waimea Valley at night on this 1 ,5-mile round-trip walk from the ticket booth area to the waterfall. Smell the night-blooming flowers and enjoy a peaceful moonlight stroll. $5.

KEAUHOU RESORT'S ANNUAL KAMEHAMEHA III CELEBRATION Weekend festivities March 15 to 17 commemorating the Keauhou-born King Kamehameha III, Lani Kauikeaouli, include tributes, lectures a eoncert and poke contest. CONCERT Sat,, March 16, 5-10 p.m. Enjoy music under the stars featuring Darlene Ahuna, Kahalanui, Nani Lim, Waipuna Three and Kapala. A free eoncert trolley will run between Keauhou Beach Resort and

Keauhou Shopping Center from 4:30 to 10:30 p.m. Mats and chairs weleome; no coolers allowed. Sheraton Keauhou Bay Resort in Kona. Free. SAM CHOY'S KEAUHOU POKE CONTEST Sun., Marcli 17, 10 a.m. judging, 12:30 p.m. awards and tasting, 1:30 p.m. demonstration by Sam Choy Both amateur and professional chefs break out their favorite poke recipe to vie for cash, prizes and bragging rights, in the second annual Sam Choy's Keauhou Poke Contest.

Don't miss the zany Celebrity Poke Cookoff at 11:30 a.m. with Tony Silva of Da Braddahs, Kumu Keala Ching, Brickwood Galuteria, Marlene Sai and Chris Kam. Also enjoy Hawaiian cultural demonstrations and an all-dav Island Marketplace.

Sheraton Kona Resort and Spa at Keauhou Bay. $5. Aunty Nola Nahulu introduced a song at the 201 2 Prince /

Kūhiō Choral Concert. Courtesy: Phil Spalding

Prince Kūhiō Celebrations Prince Jonah Kūhiō Kalaniana'ole, known as "the Citizen Prince," is revered for his dedication to the native Hawaiian people and his role as founder of the Hawaiian civic club movement, proponent of the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act of 1920 and former delegate to Congress for the Territory of Hawai'i. Various events will be taking plaee around the state this month to celebrate his life and legacy.

1 Ū'AHU KAPOLEI PRINCE KŪHIŌ HO'OLAULE'A Sat., Marcli 9, 8 a.m.-3 p.m. The inaugural Kapolei Prince Kūhiō Ho'olaule'a will kiek off with an imu workshop starting Friday followed on Saturday with a day of loeal entertainment, lots of food and vendor booths, and Hawaiian craft demonstrations and makahiki games. Heahh screenings for diabetes and high blood pressure will also be available. Prince Kūhiō Community Center. Free. 291-0842 or 861-1874. PRINCE KŪHIŌ COMMEMORATIVE PARADE Sat, Marcli 23, 10 a.m. Parade units include a cavalcade of decorated vehicles and trolleys with representatives from Hawaiian civic clubs from the Islands and the continent. The parade route goes from Saratoga Street to Kapi'olani Park, where immediately following the parade, a Ho'olaule'a/Hō'ike'ike will feature Hawaiian artists and eultural practitioners, exhibits, Hawaiian food, island delicacies, loeal musical artists and award-winning hālau. 221-0991 or hawaiimaoli.org.

PRINCE KŪHIŌ CHORAL CONCERT Sat, March 23, 7-8:30 p.m. The Prince Kūhiō Festival is proud to have among its activities, the annual concert of choral music under the direction of choral master Nola Nahulu and produced

by Kawaiolaonāpūkanileo. Through the narration of eaeh choral arrangement, the audienee learns about historical \ places and prominent persons in Hawaiian historv.

Kawaiaha'o Church. Free. 221-0991 or \ hawaiimaoli.org. %

MAUI PRINCE KŪHIŌ HO'OLAULE'A Sat, March 30, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Maui honors the "Prince of the People" with a daylong ho'olaule'a, including exhibits, makahiki games with Kula Kaiapuna O Maui ma Nāhi'ena'ena, food booths, Mauimade crafters and loeal entertainment. Keawaiki (Banyan Tree Park, Front Street, Lahaina). Free. (808) 2648779 or sfdhawaii@gmail.com. KAUAI PA'AKAI, AT SALT POND PARK Mon., March 18, 9:30 a.m. 'Anake (Aunty) Janet Kahalekomo and her 'ohana share their history and knowledge of salt cultivation at Pū'olo Point, next to Kaua'i's Salt Pond Park. The Kahalekomo family provides fascinating details and stories about the science, customs andlegends involved in producing Kaua'i's famedred salt, a practice that has been in plaee for many generations. (808) 240-6369 or princekuhio.net. MAKAUWAHI CAVE TOUR Thurs., Marcli 21, 9-11:30 a.m. The richest fossil site in the

Ilawanan isiands is tound east ot Po'ipū at the Makauwahi Cave, an open ceiling sinkhole that is a uniquely preserved archeological site. Learn how native plants and animal species have been restored and continue to thrive in this 17-acre living museum. Wear walking shoes and bring water. Makauwahi Reserve. $10. Reservations, (480) 225-5604 or cavereserve.org.

AN EVENING OF ENTERTAINMENT AT GRAND HYATT KAUA'I RESORT AND SPA Sat, Marcli 23, 6 p.m. Those who love slack-key guitar are in for a special treat with a free


Hālau performed during the 2012 Prince Kūhiō Ho'olaule'a/Hō'ike'ike. - Courtesy: Elaine Fergerstrom

performance by the award-win-ning duo Ledward Ka'apana and Mike Ka'awa at 8: 15 p.m. Leading up to the concert will be Hawaiian music, singing and dance with Leilani Rivera Low and Haunani Kaui, followed by a torchlighting ceremony and a keiki hula performance. Seating is on a first-come basis. Grand Hyatt Kaua'i Resort and Spa. (808) 240-6369 or prince kuhio.net.

ANAHOLA PRINCE KŪHIŌ DAY CELEBRATION Sat, March 30, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. This year's event celebrates the late Jennie Loke Perreira (Aunty Loke) for her exceptional contribution and commitment to educational and cultural resources in the Anahola community. Enjoy educational, heahh and wellness exhibits, arts and crafts, and performances. Anahola Beach Park. Free. khpono® gmail.com or princekuhio.net.

CELEBRATION OFTHEARTS Fri-Sat., March 29-30, 10am-5 p.m The creme de la creme of Hawai'i artisans, educators, cultural practitioners, speakers and entertainers will gather for two days of music, hula, hands-on art, demonstrations, films and cultural panels, culminating with a Celebration Lū'au and Show melding traditional Hawai'i foods and the resort's contemporary cuisine. A free After-Hours Party of impromptu performances and jam sessions takes plaee both nights at 9 in the lobby's Alaloa Lounge. After a weekend of working up an appetite, you'll want to stick around for the Easter Brunch on Sunday. Ritz-Carlton, Kapalua, Maui. (808) 669-6200 or celebrationofthearts.org.

THE 50TH ANNUAL MERRIE MONARCH FESTIVAL AND COMPETITION Festival is Sun.-Sat ., Marcli 31-April 6; Competition starts Thurs., April 4 This very special 50th annual Merrie Monarch Festival will

HAWAI'I ISLAND LĀ 'OHANA AT PANA'EWA PARK Tues., Marcli 26, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Pana'ewa Hawaiian Homes Community Association has planned a Lā 'Ohana in eelebration of Prince Kūhiō and his significant contributions to the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act of 1920. Join in a fun-filled day of entertainment, keiki activities, games, food and information booths. Pana'ewa Park. Free. (808) 974-7678. PRINCE KŪHIŌ CELEBRATION Tues., March 26, 10 a.m. Enjoy 'ono food, great entertainment, cultural exhibits and demonstrations at this event hosted by the Waimea Hawaiian Civic Club and the Waimea Hawaiian Homestead Association. Kūhiō Hall in Waimea. (808) 885-8676 or bit.ly/YnC18b for a full list of Waimea events.

include many of the traditional festival activities we've eome to know and love, as well as some popular events of years past such as a barbershop quartet contest, a King Kalākaua beard look-alike contest and a pageant. Activities include annual art exhibits, craft fairs, demonstrations, performances and a parade leading up to the world renowned three-day hula eompehhon. OHA is a proud sponsor of this event through the annual Miss Aloha Hula Hawaiian Language Award, the live KFVE broadcast and this year's 8 p.m. premiere broadcast of highlights of the Hō'ike, an exhibition night of hula and international perfonners that will feature many of the original hālau hula that perfonned in the first festival. The Hō'ike is scheduled for 5:45 p.m. Wednesday at the Edith Kanaka'ole Stadium ($5). The 5:45 p.m. nightly eompehhon starts Thursday with Miss Aloha Hula, continues Friday with group hula kahiko and culminates Saturday with the group hula 'auana and awards ceremony. (808) 935-9168 or merriemonarch.com. ■

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