Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 30, Number 3, 1 Malaki 2013 — Page 13 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
scholarships t^L available from #j Kamehameha i I Schools 1 1 A| ^~| Kamehameha Schools is offering need-based scholarships to keiki who attend non-Kamehameha preschools through its Pauahi Keiki SchoIars (PKS) program. If your child is attending or will attend a participating PKS preschool, you may apply! Famūies must reapph/ eaeli year. Funds are limited anā scholarships are aivarded based on many factors Contact Us yWjJB To download an applieahon or for program information, visit www.ksbe.edu/finaid or eall us at (808) 534-8080. KAMEHAMEHA SCHOOLS® Kūniehanieha Schools' poliei/ is to give preference to applicants ofHmoaiian ancestn/ to the extent permitted by law.
'Olelo No'eau Focusing on greater impact I through community partnerships, Kamehameha Schools is hosting a series of community forums seeking ff ji stakeholder input to inform our strategic planning for 2015-2030. Please join us KAMEHAMEHA SCHOOLS® at a stakeholder forum near you.