Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 30, Number 3, 1 Malaki 2013 — A HELPING HAND DURING TAX SEASON [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
After receiving their certification in tax preparation, OHA staff helped beneficiaries file their taxes for free at a tax preparation elinie at Blanche Pope Elementary School library in Waimānalo on Feb. 6. Assisting at the elinie - one of six OHA held in four communities - were, from left: Ka'imo Muhlestein, Jeff Kent, Edwina Minglana, Edna Nomura of the loeal IRS office, seated, Misti Pali, and Gail Bonilla, also of the loeal IRS office. OHA is among a dozen agencies statewide providing free tax services this tax season through a federal volunteer assistance program. OHA's clinics are now closed, but additional tax-preparation help is available through the Hawai'i Allianee for Community-Based Eeonomie Development, or HACBED, by calling the toll-free helpline at 21 1, emailing info@hawaiitaxhelp.org or visiting hawaiitaxhelp.org. - Photo: OHA