Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 30, Number 3, 1 March 2013 — Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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How old are you? Less than 4ūyears (0 points) 40 — 49 years(1 polnt) 50—59 years (2 points) 60yearsoroleter(3 point$) 9 Are you a man or a woman? Man(1point) Woman (0 polnts) l*f yūu are a woman, have you ever been diagno$ed with gestational diabetes? Yes (1 point) No (0 points) Do you have a mother. father. $i$ter. or brother with diabetes? Yes (1 point) No (0 points) Q Have you ever been diagnosed with high blood pressure? Yes (1 point) No (0 points) ^ Are you physica1ty active? Yes (0 points) No (1 poin t) What is your weight status? (5ee chart at right) lf you scored 5 or higher: You are at intreased n sk for having type 2 diabetes. However, ooly your doctor ean teil for sure if you do ha ve type 2 diabetes or pred labetes (a condition that precedes type2 diabetes in whieh btood giucose Ieve1sare hig*ier than norma1).Talk to your doclor to see ifadditional testing is needed.

Writeyour score in the box. Addup your score.

4' 10" 119-142 142-190 191+ 4r11* 124-147 148-197 198+ S0" 128-152 152-291 2Cw+ 5T 132-157 158-210 211+ 5 2* 126-162 164-217 218+ 5 3* 141-168 169-224 225+ 5' 4* 145-173 174-221 232* 5*5" 150-179 180-239 240+ 5" 6" 155-185 186-2*6 247+ 5*7* 159-190 191-254 255+ 5 8* 164-196 197-261 262+ 5*9* 169-202 203-269 270+ 510" 174-208 209-277 278+ ¥ 11* 179-214 215-285 286+ 184-220 221-293 294+ ō' 1* 189-226 227-301 302 + 6' 2* 194-232 233-310 311 + 6J 3* 200-239 240-318 319+ 6' 4" 205-245 246-327 328+ (1 Poinl) (2 Polnts) (3 Points) You weīoh less ihan the amount in the left eolumn (0 polnts) A-vptcd frsm Ēt)?iq <t alv Ann tntcm Mcd 1 51:775-783. 2Ū09 Qdqirul dlgoftttiivi wii validaied wiUwui gnutk>nil di*timas psrt of lfxt modd ■ mm

Type 2 d iabetes is more eommon in Ahiean Americans, Hispanics/ Latinos, Amerkan I nd ans, Asian Americans, Natrve Ha waiiarts, and Paeihe lslanders. For more informationx visit us at diabetes.org/hawaii orcall (808) 947-5979 DVisit us on Facebook facebook.com/adahawaii