Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 30, Number 1, 1 Ianuali 2013 — Page 28 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
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I Kamehameha Schools proudly presents the Explorations n'i - ' ,-V ^ .■ 1 1' . . ' . ' v I Series. This sequence of summer educational programs ' I is designed to build foundations of Hawaiian cultural >** 'e V ' w w' WPlU I knowledge, connectedness and responsibility through v ' ■' '3^? 18^3 I place-based programs. . 1 I For students enteringthe 6th grade /tf\l I This program introduces students to foundational Hawaiian . , , I I values and practices through a study of the ahupua'a. " I For students entering 7th or 8th grade 4 'V - • • I Spend the entire week visiting different significant sites f I within specific districts to develop a deeper understanding e yr . ■ •-/ I of the relationship between honua (environment) and I Downloadanapplicationatwww.ksbe.edu/admissions ■ ■ 1. • ^ "'<^* I orcall (808) 842-8800 to request that an appliealion be WUĒ Kamehameh* Schools policy is to give I genj. j.Q tcj^ preference to applicants of Hawaiian I KAMEHAMEHA SCHOOLS® ancestry fo the extent permittē4 by law.