Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 30, Number 1, 1 Ianuali 2013 — Page 25 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
ThB HawĀn ■imeStatiaii Sundays 8to 9 a.m. on Hawaiian 105 KINE, AM940, Oeeanie Digital Cable stations 855 & 856, live around the world at www.Hawaiian105.com (HST), or on demand at www.NaOiwiOlino.com. ®HA Empowering Hawaiians, Strengthening Hawai'i
kamehameha Schools® I aPP'y on''ne or 1°r more information, www.ksbe.edu/finaid or eall (808) 534-8080. Kamehameha Schools' policy is to give preference to applicants of Hawaiian ancestry to the extent permitteci by law.