Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 30, Number 1, 1 Ianuali 2013 — New Hawaiian health courses at KCC [ARTICLE]
New Hawaiian health courses at KCC
Kapi'olani Community College will launeh classes on Hawaiian heahh and wellness in Spring 2013. Courses include lā'au lapa'au, Hawaiian medicinal plants; ho'oma'ema'e, cleansing; 'aipono, to eat right; ho'oponopono, conflict resolution; lomilomi, massage; and hāpai wahine, traditional Hawaiian birthing practices. Courses begin in February. The courses will end in a group potluck at a lo'i in April, where the emphasis will be building a healthy and sustainable community. For course and registration information, visit continuinged. kcc.hawaii.edu. For additional information, contact Martin Chong at martincs@hawaii.edu or 7349540.