Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 30, Number 1, 1 January 2013 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
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@HA Office of Hawaiian Affairs
^[IJI[llllll[j[ljljlJljlp^j^ll[jjlpjl[jjllll[j[[jljjJ f \ First Hawaiian Bank
*AII applicants must be of Native Hawaiian ancestry, whether applying individually or collectively, as a group of people organized for eeonomie development purposes. Partnerships, LLCs and corporations that apply must also be 100% Native Hawaiian owned. Borrowers may be required to complete a credit counseling class before receiving the loan. For example, for fully amortized 7 year loan of $25,000 at 4.00% interest rate / 4.06% APR, you will have 84 monthly principal payments of $341.72. Other payment options are available. For example, for a 7 year loan of $25,000 at 4.00% interest rate /4.06% APR amortized over 14 years, you will have 83 monthly principal and interest payments of $194.59 and a balloon payment of $14,430 due at the end of the 7 year term. Monthly payment examples do not include amount for taxes and insurance premiums, if applicable. The actual payment obligation will be greater. Certain restrictions and conditions apply.