Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 30, Number 1, 1 Ianuali 2013 — ʻianuali [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


HUI NO'EAU ANNUAL JURIED EXHIBITION Sat., Jan. 5-Fri., Feb. 15 This competition offers an opportunity to view current work of loeal and U.S. continent artists in all media including ceramics, printmaking, sculpture, photography, jewelry, digital imagery, fiber, painting and wood. Hui No'eau Visual Arts Center in Makawao on Maui. Open 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Mon. through Sat. (808) 572-6560. I ALOHA MOLOKA'I ENERGY FESTIVAL 4-6 p.m. Fri., Jan. 11 & 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Sat, Jan. 12 This two-day festival, supported with funds from OHA, draws attention to renewable energy on Moloka'i. OHA Chairperson Colette Machado will be the opening day speaker. Saturday features discussion panels on renewable energy options for Moloka'i and workshops on topics like building your own solar water heater and how to save energy and money at home. Enjoy music, keiki activities

and vendors exhibiting energysaving devices, solar generators andmore. (808) 213-1321 orialoha molokai.com. MAKAHIKI KUILIMA Sat, Jan. 12, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Presented by Hawaiian education programs Naepuni Aloha and Ke Kula 'o S.M. Kamakau, with support from OH A and other sponsors, this makahiki celebration offers a day filled with traditional sporting events and cultural performances, including hula and Polynesian dance performances, loeal cuisine, artisans demonstrating Hawaiian crafting techniques, and educational exhibits. Turtle Bay Resort. Free. sites.google.com/site/makahi kikuilima/home or makahiki .kuilima @gma il.com. HAWAIIAN LŪ'AU AND KANIKAPILA SUNDAY WITH THE ABRIGO 'OHANA Sun., Jan. 20, Feb. 17 anel Marcli 17, noon-4 p.m. The New Year brings a new addition to Waimea Valley's monthly

Sunday ahemoon music jam. Starting Jan. 20, the festivities kiek off with a new Hawaiian lū'au from noon to 2 p.m. ($25 adults, $15 ages 4-12; reservations requested.) As always, the freestyle music circle on the Pavilion invites folks to bring their 'ukulele or guitar and join in - or just eome to listen. Kanikapila is free. 638-7766 or waimeavalley.net. ALOHA MUSIC CAMP Sun.-Fri., Feb. 10-16 A weeklong immersion into the music, dance, language and culture of Hawai'i. Learn to play slack key guitar, 'ukulele or steel guitar. Dance hula, make a lei, sing a song or build a beautiful Hawaiian instrument. This eamp is put on by the famous Beamer 'ohana, along with other respected musicians, performers and instructors in the islands. Sheraton Kona Resort & Spa at Keauhou Bay. Kama'āina ' rates available. (650) 733-4643 or alohamusiccamp.com. ■

INSIDE THE FOREST: AN AFTERNOON OF POETRY, CHANT AND MUSIC Sun., Feb. 10, 3 p.m. U.S Poet Laureate and two-time Pulitzer Prize winner W.S. Merwin will read his work on the evolution of the forest and sustainable ideas. i, He is joined by Ulalia Woodside, kumu hula and land planner/manager. In addition, Maui pianist and composer Gene Argel premieres Alights on a Cloud, created for the forest as inspiration and teacher. Maui Arts & Cultural Center. $20. (808) 242-7469 or mauiarts.org.

KŪLANIHĀKO'I: LIVING WATERS Sat, Jan. 26, 7:30 p.m. Maui Arts & Cultural Center's original hula drama by Nā Kinimakalehua retums to Maui for a hnal curtain eall. Master kumu hula Hōkūlani Holt, Keali'i Reichel, Pali Ahue, Ulalia Woodside, Kauhilonohonua Padilla and Robert Ke'ano Ka'upu present dance, chant, storytelling and dramatic interpretation that draws from centuries-old Hawaiian myths. Maui Arts & Cultural Center. $40, $32 and $12. (808) 242-7469 or mauiarts.org. Kumu hula Ulalia Woodside will parlieipale in the final performance of Kūlanihāko'i: Living Waters at the Maui Arts and Cultural Center. She returns to the MACC in February, where she'll join U.S. Poet Laureate W.S. Merwin and others for an afternoon of poetry, chant and music. See listing above. - Courtesy: M CC

23 RD ANNUAL I MOANIKEALA I HULA FESTIVAL Sat, Jan. 19, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Hawaiian tradition and artistry eome to life at the Polynesian | Cultural Center as dancers of all ages from hālau hula across . Hawai'i and Japan captivate crowds in this hō'ike (exhibi- ' tion) held in honor of PCC's 1 first Hawaiian cultural instruc- | tor, Aunty Sally Naluai. $10 , adults, $6 ages 5 to 15, free for I Kama'āinaAnnualPassholders. (800) 367-7060, (808) 293-3333 or polynesia.com.


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The Moaniklala Hula Festival features dancers of all ages, from keiki to kupuna. - Courtm j Polynesian Cultural Center I
