Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 29, Number 12, 1 December 2012 — Page 27 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
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Classified ads only $12.50 - Type or clearly write your ad of no more than 175 characters (including spaces and punctuation) and mail, along with a eheek for $12.50, to: Ka Wai Ola Classifieds, Office of Hawaiian Affairs, 711 Kapi'olani Blvd., Honolulu, Hl 96813. M ake eheek payable to OHA. (We cannot accept credit cards.) Ads and payment must be received by the 1 5th for the next month's edition of Ka Wai Ola. Send your information by mail, or e-mail kwo@oha.org with the subject "Makeke/Classified". OHA reserves the right to refuse any advertisement, for any reason, at our discretion.
@HA Office of Hawaiian Affairs OHA ŪFFICES HONOLULU 711 Kapi'olani Blvd.. StE. 500 Honolulu, Hl 00813 Phooo: 808.534.1888 Fax: 808.534.1805 EAST HAWAI'I (HILO) 102-A Baker Aveoue Hilo. Hl 30720 Phooo: 808.320.0418 Fax: 808.320.0421 WEST HAWAI'I (KONA) 75-5700 Haoama Pl„ Sta. 107 Kailua-Kona, Hl 30740 Phooa: 808.327.3525 Fax: 808.327.3528 MOLOKA'I Kūlaoa 'Oiwi, P.O. Box 1717 Kauoakakai . Hl 30748 Phooe: 808.500.3011 Fax: 808.500.3308 LĀNA'I P.O. Box 031413, Lāoa'i City. Hl 3G7G3 Phooe: 808.5G5.7330 Fax: 808.5G5.733I KAUA'I / NI'IHAU 2370 KeIe StrEĒt, Ste . 113 Lihu'E, Hl 30700-1153 PhooE: 808.241.3330 Fax: 808.241.3508 MAUI 33 Looo Ave„ SuitE 480 Kahului, Hl 30732-1030 PhooE: 808.873.33G4 Fax: 808.873.3301 WASHINGĪDN. D.C. 300 2 o d StrEEt, NE, SuitE 107 Washiogtoo, DC 2ŪŪŪ2 PhooE: 202. 454.0320 Fax: 202.408. 3305
B0BBIE KENNEŪ Y (RA). with Graham Realty ine, years of experience with DHHL properties anel general real estate, on all islands. Featured Realtor of the Week in the Honolulu Star-Advertiser. 808-545-5099, 808-221-6570, emaih habuchal@aol.com. BIG ISLAND — La'i'ōpua, Kani'ohale 3/2 with large deck, beautiful upgraded, finished garage interior, oeean view, in Kailua-Kona. Hilo res lot in Keaukaha - DHHL leases, Graham Realty ine, Bobbie Kennedy(RA) 808-221-6570. CURRENT LISTINGS: Moloka'iHo'olehua 3/2, 1 acre lot $160,000. Big lsland - Pana'ewa 10 acres/ 3 acres $75K. Kamuela 10 acre pastoral w/water $150,000/ offer. Kamuela single level 4 bd/ 2.5 ba 10,000 sf lot $250,000. Waianae 3bd/2ba corner lot. Needs TLC $165,000. Kēōkea 2 acre AG $160,000. Leasehold. Charmaine I. Quilit Poki (R) Prudential Locations LLC 295-4474. F0R SALE: KAMUELA, BIG ISLAND 4-bedroom country home on developed 10-acre farm. Commercial kitchen, warehouse, tractor shed, office/ storage building. DHHL requirements. 1-800-756-2688. KĀNAKA MAOLI FLAGS (large $30.00, small $6.00), T-shirts for every island from $10, Kānaka Maoli Pledge posters (2 sizes), stickers. www.KanakaMaoliPower. org or 808-332-5220. MAUI - KULA: Undivided interest leases. 0'ahu: Princess Kahanu - 2/1 in quiet eul de sac, interior