Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 29, Number 12, 1 December 2012 — OHA seeks Island Burial Council applicants [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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OHA seeks Island Burial Council applicants

KULEANA 0F THE ISLAND BURIAL C0UNCILS The Island Burial Councils play a crucial role in the care of iwi kūpuna (ancestralremains) found in Native Hawaiian burial sites. Burial Council members meet on a monthly basis to: • Determine whether previously identified Native Hawaiian burial sites will be preserved in plaee or relocated. • Assist the Department of Land and Natural Resources and its State Historic Preservation Division in developing an inventory of Native

Hawaiian burial sites. • Make recommendations regarding appropriate management, treatment and protection of Native Hawaiian burial sites, and on any other matters related to Native Hawaiian burial sites. SELECTION PR0CESS Island Burial Council members are appointed by the governor. By law, at least 20 percent of the governor's regional representatives selected must eome from a list of nominees provided by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. OHA would like to ensure that all regional representative posi-

tions are filled so that the Island Burial Councils will be able to meet quorum requirements and fulfill their important kuleana. Those interested in applying should visit OHA's website at www.oha.org/burialcouncils to download an application. Applicants will be evaluated based on their ability to represent a given region, and to demonstrate "an understanding of Hawaiian culture, history, customs, practices, and in particular, beliefs and practices relating to the care and protection of Native Hawaiian burial sites and ancestral remains and burial goods" (H.R.S. Chapter 6E-43.5). OHA applicants must also affirm their commitment to participating actively in monthly burial eouneil meetings and oeeasional site visits. The deadline for applying is Wednesday, Jan. 2. ■

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OHA is encouraging applicants from all regions to ensure that nominees ean fill currently vacant positions as well as other positions later when they heeome available. - Maps: Kamoa Quitevis