Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 29, Number 11, 1 November 2012 — NHLC movie-night fundraiser [ARTICLE]

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NHLC movie-night fundraiser

The Australian film Murundak: Songs ofFreedom will premiere in Hawai'i as part of a double-feature benefit for the Native Hawaiian Legal Corp. at 5 p.m. Nov. 24 at Mamiya Theatre on the Saint Louis School campus. The film "follows The Black Arm Band, a gathering of some of Australia's finest aboriginal musicians as they take to the road with their songs of struggle, resistance and freedom," says its website, murundakdocumentary.com. Among other awards, the film was recognized by the United Nations Association of Australia Media Peaee Awards in 201 1 for promoting aboriginal reconciliation. The second feature, Fishing Pono: Living in FIarmony with the

Sea, tells the story of Native Hawaiians who live off the sea. Admission is $75 general, and $25 for students. The evening also includes pūpū, live music and a silent auction. For tickets, visit nhlchi.org or eall (808) 521-2302.