Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 29, Number 11, 1 November 2012 — MEAOLOKO TABLE OF CONTENTS [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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mo'olelo nui/g0ver feature Bones of our ancestors mi 18 BY LI5A A5AĪ0 AND GARETT KAMEMOĪO Two court cases regarding the protection of iwi kūpuna, or Native Hawaiian remains, halt development ea/govemnge Native Hawaiian Convention page 4 BY U5A A5AĪ0 The 11th Annual Native Hawaiian Convention nurtured partnerships to advance Hawaiian communities

nowemapa | november 2012 | Vol. 29, No. 11 mo'omeheu/culture Kapa resurgence page7 BY KEKOA EN0M0Ī0 Forty kapa makers from around the state gathered in Maui to practice their art and plan future kapa events

ho'okahua waiwai/ ec0n0mic self-sufficiency Gifts we love page 10

Support the loeal bruddahs and sistahs. Buy loeal. Our top picks from fashion to food from Native Hawaiian-owned iusinesses

Plus, a special section showcasing Native Hawaiian-owned businesses mges 11-17

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