Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 29, Number 11, 1 November 2012 — Page 15 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
5UPPORT HAWAIIAN BUSINESS I Ka Wai Ola is proud to showcase Native Hawaiian-owned businesses and their endeavors to build a strong and vibrant economy.
HfiSWe put our customers first. We listen toyōTj _We help you with your interior needs. ^4 H We provide quality flooring products _ with personalized customer service. Come see all the new flooring products in our new showroom! I lf you are looking for the best flooring and interior products at competitive prices - then you have eome to the right plaee! We are here to provide quality products with personalized customer service. Special pricing available for contractors. I I ... 142 KUPUOHI ST. SUITE F4 LAHAINA HI 96761 Call us today and let us knowhowwe ean help. www.ohanainteriors.com | (808) 298-0321
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New York Lite SaJutes Paula Aila for Leadership in Protecting Lives in the Hawaiian Community.
■ lo Ik lp wjit' viii.1T 1jiniJs Iiiuiii iat tiuui. eont.-u t n»e Hm!.iv PauiA *a New Yofk Lta iniuenee Camp«r^ &4 1 RrUn<i S! . 11 ŌŪŪ H£rtMJu Hl Ph 728-8383 f«« 5W-I689 I £JTV£ Pl»4«3pty1 CWT>