Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 29, Number 10, 1 ʻOkakopa 2012 — Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Were you seiuall\ ;ibuscd ns a eliiīil? It īs NOT Yotir Kiiull. You Are N()T Alone. A new state law recogni7es that many survivors of childh{)<>d sc\nal abtise imeoften too afraid or ashamed lo confront their abusers. Thts ne\t la\> prov ides a one lime, Lwo-year w indow allowing survivors to scck jnstiec for ckiinis of sexual abuse, even iT thc statute of limitatioos had lapsed under the old law. You ean ftlc a elaim conlidcntially willi t»ur experienced leani of atlorneys, w ho prov ide eotifidcntia! and eompassionate xupport 10 surv'ivors ofabusc seeking jusliee und heuting in Hawaii and on the Mainland. Oahu: 1-808-523-2999 ext. 212 wwAv.abused-in-hawaii.com Mkhiii'l Ta īMiue Stcscn I.T. ('hoM l lw PlK'iHe l.;iw Cīrc»up. 7*15 F«t Sircci» Suiic 1415, llnnolulu. III %81 3 TckphoiK: i 808 \ 523 -2 W wt 2 1 2 Koniniīile: 523-7HK5 lUhLAlueM^ uu^npeni: — rT «<iitrniww mHc^mir '4*-fr-'fisui nh Vn nrlia rn rj.«Tnw I '■■h. r> ii. V... ^