Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 29, Number 10, 1 October 2012 — Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
LV M Ē Ē £% ii/CalLee40HA • 808.585.6126 • cal.lee4oha@gmail.com ^ Ē Ē wmJ Leadership is a Team Effort! h FOR Large u 'u' i_i v(/ \/_i , 1 u O z ulu k es and Will Use Teamwork io Build a Brighier Fuiure for All F
i As a native Hawaiian I understand what we need to do to advance and make things better for all native Hawaiians and all of the people of Hawai'i. < Self-Determination — work together on the opportunity to use the Kakaako Makai lands to increase OHA's revenue base to advance and grow programs that benefit native Hawaiian i beneficiaries. Job Training and Placement — use this initiative for OHA to leverage its assets with the ^ private and government sectors to provide opportunities to our beneficiaries, especially, the younger generation, to gain meaningful apprenticeship and employment. Unemployment i among our 1 8-24 age group is highest in the State. . The State of Hawaii Native Hawaiian Recognition Bill — this is an opportunity for OHA, the only elected Hawaiian Agency, to provide funding for the Ftoll Call Commission that will register Hawaiians for Nation building.
n r OHA needs to insure transparency; Statewide hearings, take ^ inputfromourpeopleandbecomeaccountableformaking W sound decisionsthat reflectconsensus. K ^ Alternative Energy lnvestments and Joint Ventures — is T yetanotheropportunitythatcan producecheaperenergy H for ratepayers in the broader community, provide revenues V for native Hawaiian stakeholdersand fuel investment W opportunitiesinthecommunityforeconomicgrowthand job opportunity. If done properly this will be best for the aina and provide for our people for generations to eome. y These are just a few thoughtson things we ean do. For more H details please see my website and like us on Facebook. Y
'K rl I 1 Paid for by CAL LEE FOR OHA P.O. BOX 4662. HONOLULU. HI 96812 . 1 L I