Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 29, Number 9, 1 September 2012 — HOʻOHUI ʻOHANA FAMILY REUNIONS [ARTICLE]

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E nā 'ohana Hawai'i: lf you are planning a reunion or looking for genealogical information, Ka Wai Ola will print your listing at no charge on a space-available basis. Listings should not exceed 200 words. OHA reserves the right to edit all submissions for length. Send your information by mail, or e-mail kwo@OHA.org. E ola nāmamo a Hāloa!

AKO -Afamily reunion for all descendants of James Ako aka "Kopo," (born Aug. 11, 1882, atHonokōhau),willbeheld Oct. 26-28, 2012, at Mākole'a Beach (The 01d Kona Lagoon Hotel area) on Hawai'i Island. If you plan on attending, forward your mailing/contact information to: Mercy Kauahi-Jackson atmichaelagma@yahoo.com; Rose Pelekane at (808) 990-9047 or rose.sharel01@gmail. eom; or Nohokula Kahananui at (808) 9872243 or kahananun001@hawaii.rr.com. Or, you ean also reply and join us on Facebook at Ako family reunion under Groups. KAPULE - To the descendants of Aene Kapule - Kapule, Kealoha, Kaahanui, Kalauao, Kamai, Keo'ole, Kaahanuili'ili'i and Mahi - planning is underway for the next Kapule 'Ohana Reunion Nov. 9-11, 2012, at Pā'ia Community Center. It's been more than 20 years since our last reunion, so plan to attend. We're looking forward to updating our genealogical connections, so please spread the word! Information and registration forms are available at: www.kapule ohana.com. Watch for regular updates to be posted as planning continues. Email kapuleo hana@gmail.com, follow us on Facebook @ Kapule 'Ohana, or contact Lui at (808) 2817562 or Leni at (808) 357-5950. M AIO - The Maio 'Ohana Reunion will be held Oct. 27, 2012, at Kunia Okinawan Center. Deadline for all pre-registration dues is Oct. 6. Contact email: bertamaiol@yahoo.com (Berta). Looking for committee volunteers for the following: hospitality greeters and Keiki Korner, JAM session and door/game prizes. Contact vakautal@yahoo.com (Cynthia), wntla@hotmail.com (Nani Willing). Imua kākou 'ohana nui. Aloha means love. MEYER We are having a reunion for the descendants of George Kahelelani Meyer, who was married to Nancy Kaleiwahea (lst line) and had four children: George Kahelelani Meyer Jr. , Mary Pilialoha Meyer, Annie Josephine Cecelia Meyer and Arthur Lee Meyer. 2nd line with Elizabeth "Lizzie" Kaleiwahea and had eight children: Elizabeth "Betty" Meyer, Abigail Kekahili Meyer, Elizabeth "Queenie" Kauwalu, Myra Lahapa Kaleiheana, William Meyer, Rebecca Leilani Meyer, Lilinoe PualaniumaAhoy and Samuel Meyer. The reunion will be held Saturday, Sept. 8, 2012, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Waimānalo Village Recreation Center. For information, eall Sukie Obed at (808) 259-5994 after 6 p.m. or Aliee Theodore at (808) 358-5466 or email alicet@hawaii.rr.com. Aliee is updating our mailing list for upcoming mail outs. Call/email Aliee with your mailing/contact information. Save the date! We encourage all of you to join us and meet family! Families are forever! THOMPSON - Charles Thompson, son of Lillian Eckart Thompson and Charles Edward Kealakekua Thompson, along with wife Momilani Thompson and 'ohana will be holding a Thompson family reunion on Maui for the descendants of (Papa) Charles Edward Kealakekua Thompson this Dec. 14-16, 2012. Papa Charles was married

four times and we would be happy to see all of his children and children's children attend. With his first wife, Annie Akuini, he had 11 children: Edward Ku'ulei, Lena, William, Matilda, Mina, Violet, Emma, Frank, Alexander Gay, Otto and Herbert. With his second wife, Amoe Ahio, he had two children, Judith and Mary Ann. With his third wife, Isabelle Namau'u, he had four children: Charles, Sherman, Isabelle and Pikake. With his fourth wife, Lillian Eckart, he had 11 children: Charlene, Germaine, Gerard and Theresa, including adopted ehildren Mary Elizabeth, Robert, Francis, Ann, Joseph, Charles and Adrienne Low. Contact Charles or Momi at 572-9079 or at P.O. Box 790534 Pā'ia, HI 96779. Or, email them at cassi_kassen@yahoo.com. RSVP by September 2012. WILHELM - Ka Wilhelm 'Ohana 21st Reunion and Ho'olaule'a 2012, Sept. 21-22, 2012, Pā'ia Community Center, Hāna Highway, Pā'ia, Maui, Hawai'i. Friday, Sept. 21: fellowship and potluck, 4-11 p.m., registration, genealogy updates, meet out-of-town 'ohana, talk story, T-shirt sales, silent auetion; Saturday, Sept. 22: Hawaiian lū'au, 4 to 11 p.m., group and family portraits, music and entertainment, family introductions and fellowship. Meal ticket purchase is required: Adults, $23 ($28 at door); children 6-11, $15 ($20 at door); children 5 and under are free. Deadline for registration and ticket purchase is Samrday, Sept. 8. Register online at our Ka Wilhelm 'Ohana website: home.roadrunner. com/~kawilhelmohana or eall Jean Wilhelm Kanoho at (808) 247-2869 in Kāne'ohe, HI. JARRETT/KAOO - To all descendants of William Jarrett (1815-1880) and Hannah Kaoo (1825-1867), there will be a family reunion on the island of O'ahu in July 2013. The reunion dates have changed; the new dates are July 20 and 21, 2013. We are seeking descendants of Emma Jarrett (18551889) and William KumukoaAllen (1826-?), also descendants of Jane Kalua Jarrett (19141981) and Charles Keaweaheulu Reeves (1904-1945). Family members from these two branches who have not contacted us yet and are interested in attending the family reunion for all descendants of William Jarrett and Hannah Kaoo, please contact us as soon as possible. Submit your contact information (addresses, phone numbers and e-mail addresses) to: Jarrett_fam_reunion@ yahoo.com or to 91-832 Pa'aloha St., 'Ewa Beach, HI 96706. Mahalo, Sandy and Lani. KUPAHU - Aloha Kupahu 'Ohana, we the descendants of Henry I. Kupahu Sr. and committee members will host the 2013 reunion on Maui nō ka 'oi (Kapalua). The event will now be held Labor Day weekend, Aug. 30, 31 and Sept. 1, 2013. We apologize for the inconvenience this date change may have caused you. Monthly dues of $25 per person (4th generation) must be paid on or before all scheduled monthly meetings. Make checks payable to Emilyn Santella or Kaulana Obatay and mail to: Kupahu 'Ohana Maui Reunion 2013, e/o: Kaulana Obatay, P.O. Box 10124, Lahaina, HI 96761. As for

our O'ahu and other 'ohana out there, if you would like to contribute a monetary gift to our Maui 'ohana to help with the reunion, it would be mueh appreciated. For information, contact me, Kincaid Sr., at kincaidksr@yahoo.com or eell (808) 281-3885. As a reminder, this is a camping reunion to reflect on our kūpuna who left all of us the value and legacy of being a Kupahu. Check for updates on Facebook via the Kupahu 'Ohana Maui Reunion 2013 site. NAKAGAWA/AH PUCK/LAU KONG/ THOM AS - Descendants of the Nakagawa, Ah Puek, Thomas and Lau Kong families of Waipi'o Valley will be having a family reunion July 26 and 27, 2013, on Hawai'i Island. Contact Yoko Lindsey (granddaughter of Rachel K. Ah Puek and Charles P. Thomas.) for more information. Email, lindsey.ohana@gmail.com; phone, (808) 989-0854; mailing address, P.O. Box 463 Kamuela, HI 96743. RENKEN - The descendants of Ernest Valentine Holbron Renken and Elizabeth Kapeka Kaleilokeokaha'i Cummins Merseberg Kekahio Reunion has been postponed till next year September 2013. Plaee TBA. However, we're still looking for our relatives who are closely related to Ernest and Kapeka. Find us on Facebook "Ke Lei Hulu 0 Ka Ohana Renken" Group. For information, contact Jan K N DeRego at Kapiolani8@aol.com or Jojo Chaves at jchaves94@yahoo.com. EWALIKO/GRUBE I am trying to locate family members on my mother's side. Mom's name was Harriet Kaehukaiopuaena (Ewaliko) Grube, married Edward Miehael Grube Jr. and had five sisters (Ethel, Aileen aka Bess, Lilinoe aka Noe, Kuualoha aka Peaehie and Kaui) and five brothers (William Jr., Otto aka Eddie, Valentine, Herbert, and David aka Boots aka Sonny Boy). Mom's father was William Lonomakua Ewaliko Sr., husband of Elizabeth Kekumano and was born in Hilo, Hawai'i. I believe that his father and mother were John Ewaliko and Kaanaana Ewaliko and siblings David, George, Kalei (w), Emily and James Ewaliko. They lived on Amaulu Road in Hilo. I believe that George married Lizzie, and had four daughters (Ruth, Virginia, Mary and Elizabeth), a son and grandson named John and moved to Anahola, Kaua'i. Kalei married Rufus Lyman, had three children (Rebecca, Francis and Clarence) as of 1930 and stayed in Hilo. David married Julia and had two daughters (Margaret and Marjory) and lived in Hilo. We met a Marjory at our mom's funeral in 2001. Any information is appreciated. Contact Ede Fukumoto at eafukumoto@hotmail.com. MEDEIROS Doing 'ohana research on Alfred B. Medeiros Sr. from South Kona, married Mary Kalani Ka'alele, also born in South Kona, on April 6, 1907. Mary Ka'alele's father, William Kalani Kaalele, born around 1 883 married Annie Waikulani Burns, born June 12, 1883. Seeking additional information for Annie Waikulani Burns'

father, John īeewale Burns, born around 1856 in the South Pacific Islands. Would like to have a family reunion in the near future in Kona. Contact Kimo Medeiros Jr. @ Kimomedeiros@yahoo.com. OWENS/KAINAPAU The Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame (HMHF) is searching for the 'ohana of Harry Owens and George Kainapau to honor these two gentlemen. Harry Owens was the music director at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel and is credited with writing 300 hapa haole songs, including Sweet Leilani; Hawaiian Hospitality; Hawai'i Calls; To You, Sweetheart, Aloha; and Sing me a Song of the Islands. George Kainapau was a noted falsetto, and his Island Serenaders opened the Ale Ale Kai Room at the Kaiser Hawaiian Village Hotel in 1956. The next year, Kainapau was on the mainland performing and appearing in a number of Hollywood's Hawaiian-themed films, where he brought falsetto singing to a worldwide audience. If you have any information on the 'ohana of Harry Owens or George Kainapau, eall Ann of HMHF at (808) 392-3649. The public is invited to attend HMHF's annual meeting Sept. 29 at the Outrigger Canoe Club, including luneh and Hawaiian music. Owens and Kainapau, who will be honored in May, will be introduced. PAELE I am trying to find a photograph of Samson K. Paele for a historical project atthe Wahiawā, O'ahu, poliee station. Paele was an HPD officer who was killed in 1927 in Wahiawā. The goal is to show his photograph on a memorial board of Wahiawāarea officers that were killed in the line of duty. He is listed in HPD records as being born 5-3-1881 and died 6-24-1927. A newspaper article says he lived in Wahiawā and was married, but I do not know his wife's name, nor do I know if he had any ehildren. Internet research points to him or his family having originally been from Maui, and that he was probably a WWI veteran. A Samson Paele (b. 5-3-1883, d. 6-25-1927) is listed as being buried at Punchbowl Cemetery. A WWI service record found online shows a Samson Paele that was born in Kaupō, Maui, and that he was 35 years old upon enlistment in the Hawai'i National Guard on 4-7-1918. This may or not be the same person I'm looking for. His address listed on the service record was listed as "Hamakuapoko, Maui." Any assistance in leading me to someone that may have a photograph of Officer Paele would be appreciated. (A photo in uniform would be ideal, but any other verifiable adult photo will suffice ). Contact Ted Merrill, paakahili@yahoo.com. PIO/KEPIO - We are looking for descendants of Victoria Nakoaelua Pio (Kepio), born about 1867 in Kaupō, Maui, and died May 15, 1928, in Kaupō, Maui. Her father is Kepio aka Kelii Pio aka Kaawalauole Pio and mother is Keoahu. She married 1 ) Hale Kunihi and 2) Kahaleauki. Her ehildren were Kalahiki; Lusiana Helela Kunihi Pio born about 1890, died about 1902 in Honolulu, Hawai'i; and Nakoa, who married Henry Stuart. She is buried at St. Joseph Church cemetery in Kaupō, Maui, under the name Mrs. V. N. Kahaleauki. We

are the descendants of Victoria's siblings: Kahaleuahi (k), Malaea (w), Kaukani (k), Ipoaloha (w), Kaleohano (k). Please contact Mo'i Peters at (808) 590-7186 or epeters95 @ yahoo.com. RAYMOND - Harriet Ulihala Raymond (Aug. 4, 1910-Feb. 11, 1939) was born in North Kohala on Hawai'i Island. She was my maternal grandmother. I am looking for any artifacts that belonged to her and/or any photos of her. She died when my mother was 6 years old. My mother was told that a trunk containing her mother's possessions was given to someone from Kona with the last name of Kanakanui. I'm looking for info that ean lead to finding any mementos of Harriet Ulihala Raymond. Please email Bernadette K. Newcomb at wahineonaona@yahoo.com. RODRIGUES Searching for the descendants of Mary, 01iver and Emma Rodrigues, who are the children of Alfred Rodrigues, bom 1889 in Puerto Rico, and Mary Isabella Medeiros Paeheeo, bom 1886 in Pāpa'ikou. Alfred and Mary married in Hālawa, Kohala, where their three children were born. Emma was bomin 1911, andAlfreddiedinHonolulu shordy after that. Mary married a serviceman, Grover Runyan, in 1913, and after having two children in Hawai'i, they moved to San Diego in 1917, leaving Mary's three ehildren behind. Grover and Mary had five ehildren: Victoria Albert, Saul, Arline and Adeline (?). The 1910 Hawai'i census places Alfred, Mary, 01iver and Emma in Kohala, where Alfred worked at the Kohala Sugar Co. The 1920 Hawai'i census places all three children at the Kalihi Orphanage in Honolulu, aka St. Anthony's. 01iver leftHawai'i for California in 1927, where he took the name 01iver Hamlin. Emma also moved to Califomia and married a man named Pena. After Pena died, Emma married Pena's brother. After the second Pena's death, she married Archie Young and is listed as Emma Hamlin. Both Emma and 01iver hved in San Diego. Mary is purported to have lived on Maui. Contact: Clarence A. Medeiros Jr„ CAMedeiros88@gmail.com, (808) 328-2074 (home), (808) 960"-0179 (mobile). STEWARD - Aloha Steward Family, my Hawaiian name is William "Meaalani" Steward. My genealogy includes the following lines: Epiakuna, Kauwaikanahele, Meaalani, Waiwaiole and Steward. I'm looking for the descendants of the extended Mary "Meaalani" and James Steward family. Today, they would be the grandsons and granddaughters of Catherine, Paul and Christopher Steward "and a whole bunch more," according to my father. It has been a long time since he was inHawai'i; 1941 wasthe lasttimehe was there. So, to all the sons and daughters of the Mary and James Steward family, aloha, and please let us hear from you. Let us know if aloha is still extended to a Hawaiian grandson, William Steward, wsteward52@yahoo.com. TONG - Aloha, I' m looking for any information regarding Agnes Kokai Tong, the mother of my grandmother, Elizabeth Kaehukui (Keaukai?) Akana. She was born approximately in 1867 in, we believe, Hilo and died approximately in 1907. Call (808) 870-7740 or email bob@livemaui.com. ■

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