Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 29, Number 9, 1 September 2012 — Scavenger hunt to benefit Legal Aid Society [ARTICLE]

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Scavenger hunt to benefit Legal Aid Society

The Legal Aid Society of Hawai'i is hosting its inaugural "Justice Games" scavenger hunt to raise money while educating young professionals about the services the group provides. The society, whieh provides free legal services to low-ineome individuals and families, has been facing severe funding losses and in the spring, had contemplated layoffs and closing branch offices. "It was an extremely difficult time for Legal Aid," said executive director Nalani Fujimori Kaina. "We hope to raise awareness and a sense of social responsibility in young professionals who participate in the Justice Games through a fun and interactive networking event." The Justice Games will be held on Friday, Oct. 12, at the M Nightclub at Restaurant Row. The cost is $500 per scavenger hunt team of five members. For more information, eontact Elise von Dohlen at elvondo@ lashaw.org or eall 527-8056. ■