Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 29, Number 9, 1 September 2012 — NEW KAMEHAMEHA SCHOOLS-- KAPĀLAMA MIDDLE SCHOOL OPENS [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
This eaphon has been corrected. Earlier descriptions of Keli'imaika'i and Ka'ōleiokū were reversed. Kamehameha Middle School students are learning in two new buildings that opened in time for the start of the new school year. The school says the new buildings support an innovative way of learning featuring a "classroom without walls" team learning appmaeh. The buildings on the Kapōlama eampus house the majority of the middle school classrooms and administration. The main classroom building is named Keli'imaika'i after the younger and full brother of Kamehameha I. A second building that houses administrative offices, the Kalama dining hall and performing arts center is named Ka'ōleiokū after Berniee Pauahi Bishop's grandfather, the first-born son of Kamehameha I. Construction of the buildings started in June 201 0. Construction is underway on new middle school dormitories. A middle school fitness center is slated to be added in 201 4. - Courtesy: Miehael Young/ Kamehameha Schools.