Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 29, Number 9, 1 September 2012 — PRINCE LOT'S ENDURING LEGACY IN HULA [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Hālau Nā Mamo o Ka'ala, led by kumu hula Tiare Noelani Chang, danced at the Prince Lot Hula Festival July 21 at the majestic Moanalua Gardens, where the Moanalua Gardens Foundation honored three kūpuna with its highest honor, the Kukui o Lota Award. Aunty Edith Kawelohea I McKinzie, Aunty Pahenee Namaka Bacon and James Ka'upena Wong were honored as an esti- ■ mated 1 0,000 people turned out for the 35th

anniversary celebration ^ honoring Prince Lot, L who is credited with helping revive hula

in the 1 9th century. OHA was a proud sponsor of the event, and ŌHA executives and staff also participated in various ways: pounding poi, dancing as part of a hālau and volunteering in informahonal booths. The delightful outdoor event is billed as the largest noncompetitive hula event in Hawai'i and features performances on a pā, a larae traditional arass mound, under the shade

of massive monkeypod trees. - Photo:Alice Silbanuz