Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 29, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 2012 — New Lānaʻi owner shows signs of promise, OHA board told [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
New Lānaʻi owner shows signs of promise, OHA board told
By Harold Nedd \ow that Oracle Corp.'s billionaire CEO Larry Ellison owns most of Lāna'i, expectations in the island's Native Hawaiian community are as high as the estimated $500 million to $600 million price tag on the headline-grab-bing sale. In a private conversation during a community meeting July 18 held by the Board of Trustees for the Office of Hawaiian Affairs at Lāna'i High and Elementary School cafeteria, Albert Morita, chairman of the Lāna'i Culture and Heritage Center, suggested that the sale of the 141-square mile island offers him some encouragement. "We are hoping for the 1ono-term stahi1itv of the
island," Morita said in an interview after giving testimony to the OHA board at the hourlong community meeting that
attracted about 40 people. "But for now, we're eautiously optimistic until we find out what his plans are and how they will impact the community." Some early clues have emerged since Ellison struck a deal with real estate firm Castle and Cooke to buy the bulk of Lāna'i, where Native Hawaiians account for up to 14 percent of the 3,200 people who live on the island. Lor instance, Ellison has drawn a spotlight to his decision to reopen a community swimming pool that has been closed for three years, despite being a prized amenity for families on the island. Leinani Zablan, the 22-year-old Lānai community outreach coordinator for OHA, also mentioned in a presentat1on to the Board
of Trustees that Ellison has ordered SEE LĀNA'I MEETING ON PAGE 21
ŪHA Maui meetings The Board of Trustees will hold a community meeting at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 15 at Kamehameha Schools, Maui campus, auditorium, 275 Aapueo Parkway in Pukalani. A Board of Trustees meeting will be held Thursday, Aug. 16 at 9 a.m. atthe Universityof Hawai'i, Maui campus, 310 Ka'ahumanu Ave., Ka'a'ike Building 105 B, C and D in Kahului. For information, eall Roy Newton or Thelma Shimaoka at 0HA's Maui office at (808) 873-3363.
OHA trustees, executives and staff met with beneficiaries on Lāna i. Beneficiary Albert Morita said in an interview he and other Lāna'ians are "hoping for the long-term stability of the island" following the sale of the island to billionaire Larry Ellison. Morita is pictured second row center, next to Trustee John Waihe'e, who is wearing lei. - Courtesy: 'lōlani Iablan
LĀNAi MEETING Continued from page 4
the removal of controversial signs on buildings and roadways that promoted a wind-farmproject that has divided the community. In addition, Zablan pointed out that Ellison has increased from 20 to 60 the number of job openings at Four Seasons Resort Lāna'i, whieh he now owns as part of the deal with Castle and Cooke. "So far, he seems committed to strengthening the community." Zablan said. OHA Chairperson Colette Machado responded by mentioning to the Board of Trustees that a representative for Ellison has reached out to her office. "He's open to meeting with OHA and its beneficiaries," Machado said.
Robin Kaye, a spokesman for the Friends of Lāna'i, whieh is a eoalihon of citizens concerned about the environment, hinted that the broader community would weleome any meeting OHA could help arrange with Ellison. "There has been positive indication that he will be spending money to bring the island's infrastructure up," said Kaye. "But we don't know where he stands on the environment and Hawaiian culture. We are hopeful that he will be a good steward of the island." The community meeting on Lāna'i is the third of five forums OHA's Board of Trustees will host monthly on Neighbor Islands. The trustees met on Moloka'i in June and on Kaua'i in May. In August, their community meeting will be held on Maui. ■