Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 29, Number 7, 1 Iulai 2012 — U.S. SENATE [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


1. Native H a w a i i a n s deserve the same rights of selfdetermination as Alaska Natives and American Indians. I am an original sponsor of the Akaka bill

and will continue to fight for Native Hawaiian recognition. 2. The best experts on this issue are Native Hawaiians themselves; I have worked with Native Hawaiian leaders to address strategies at the federal level to bring resources and policy solutions home. In the U.S. House, I worked with Republican Don Young of Alaska to restore funding for Native Hawaiian and Alaska Native education programs, taking on my own caucus and turning them around to support the Young-Hirono amendments. I have introduced bipartisan legislation that creates homeownership opportunities for Native Hawaiians by expanding access to loan guarantees. 3. 1 was the U.S. House sponsor of the Native Hawaiian Heahh Care Improvement Reauthorization Act of 2009, legislation that was introduced in the U.S. Senate by Senator Inouye. If elected, I will work to educate my Senate colleagues of both parties about the needs of indigenous peoples and will work collaboratively with my colleagues to move legislative initiatives that protect our native people, just as I did in getting all House freshman Democrats in 2007 to support the Akaka bill.

1. I am eommitted to federal recognition for Native Hawaiians. I personally traveled to Washington, D.C., to attract bipartisan senatorial support by convincing

Senators to hold hearings on the 2005 Akaka bill. In committee hearings I testified in support of the bill. If elected, I commit to working with Hawai'i's congressional delegation and all members to ensure the passage of legislation fonnally recognizing Native Hawaiians. 2. As governor I authorized payments totaling $2.8 million to OHA and directed the immediate recommencement of approximately $12.3 million in total revenue payments due to OHA. In 2008, my administration and OHA negotiated a $200 million settlement for ceded lands receipts from 1978 to 2008. The state Legislature recently enacted a version of my plan. Additionally, my administration, through DHHL, awarded nearly 2,500 homestead leases to Native Hawaiians. 3. 1 will work in a bipartisan fashion as I did as governor when I obtained support for versions of the Akaka bill, to not only preserve these programs, but also build on the successful partnerships I created as governor by exploring opportunities for federal funding in new areas, like homeownership (HOAP partnership), education (Ah'i Trusts partnership), heahh care (Queen's Medical Center), kupuna care (Lunalilo Homes partnership) and govemance (OHA).

1 . Strong yes, dual passport system, United States citizens and Hawaiian nation with international acknowledgement of sovereign Hawaiian nation. See videos of platfonn for 2006, 2010 and 2012 elee-

tions online detailing Eddie U.S. Senate Hawai'i: search for "Eddie Pirkowski 2006" on youtube.com, and for the 2010 race visit eddieussenatehawaii.wix.com/ eddieussenatehawaii. For the 2012 race, visit eddieussenatehawaii2.wix.com/ eddieussenatehawaii and eliek on "Our Platfonn." 2. Strong support during 2006, 2010 and 2012 United States senator elections for equal rights and dual passport system, United States citizens and Hawaiian nation with intemational acknowledgement of sovereign Hawaiian nation. See videos of platfonns for 2006, 2010 and 2012 election online at the web addresses listed in the above response. 3. Strong support reauthorization both.

1. The respect for certain culture - ethic groups had always been a longstanding policy of our U.S. government, and we are one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and

justice for all. That has been inscribed and even our U.S. Constitution, whieh is the supreme law of the land, has its preamble that addresses the issue of "pursuit of happiness, including the protection of life, liberty and property." Those phrases are strong and we respect the freedom that every individual has in this world. America had been around for over 235 years and we have to respect that we have the best in the world. 2. Recognizing and respecting the credo and living by it: UPWARD Understanding Personal Worth And Racial Dignity 3. 1 am a medical doctor and I know the importance of individual medical care plans. We will address that issue with legislative action and resources from the U.S. capitol as they arise. I know and understand its universality. Follow me at: Facebook.com/pages/Art-P-Reyes -for-US-Senate.

