Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 29, Number 7, 1 Iulai 2012 — HOʻOHUI ʻOHANA FAMILY REUNIONS [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


E nā'ohana Hawai'i: lf you are planning a reunion or looking for genealogical information, Ka Wai Ola will printyour listing at no charge on a space-available basis. Listings should not exceed 200 words. OHA reserves the right to edit all submissions for length. Send your information by mail, or e-mail kwo@OHA.org. E oia nāmamo a Hāioa!


AKIU/AH EONG/KAHIAMOE Descendants of Baker Kahiamoe Akiu, born May 10, 1886, and Sarah Kamali Aheong Akiu, born Feb. 2.7, 1896, are planning a family reunion July 2.0-22, 2.012, on Maui. We are trying to locate any grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren who are interested in attending the reunion. Please contact Marian "Blossom" Akiu Dias at (808) 242.-0061. AKO - A family reunion for all descendants of James Ako aka "Kopo," (bom Aug. 11, 1882, at Honokōhau), will be held Oct. 26-2.8, 2.012, at Mākole'a Beach (The 01d Kona Lagoon Hotel area) on Hawai'i Island. If you plan on attending, forward your mailing/contact information to: Mercy Kauahi-Jackson at michaelagma @ yahoo.com; Rose Pelekane at (808) 990-9047 or rose.sharel01@gmail.com; or Nohokula Kahananui at (808) 987-2243 or kahananun001@ hawaii.rr.com. Or, you ean also reply and join us on Facebook at Ako family reunion under Groups. DUARTE/PAIAINA - A potluck reunion for family and friends of the families of Ayeres (Alika) Duarte and Mileka Paiaina (born 1863 Kamoiliili) will be held July 21, 2.012, in Kona at the Hale Hālāwai from 9 a.m. to evening. Children of Ayeres and Mileka are: Elena Duarte Coelho Kaui, Antone Duarte, Malia Duarte Ako, Kaikano Duarte Alika, Emilia Duarte Laa Kane Mahiai, John Duarte, Mali'e Duarte Keanu Nahinu. On Sunday, July 22, 2.012, a dedication of a headstone will be held at Lanakila Church in Kainaliu, Kona, with luneh potluck to follow at the hall. Contact Brenda Pimentel, kikaiea@hawaii.mcom. Friend us on Facebook and eome meet your 'ohana. DUDOIT - The family of Jules Dudoit and his wife, Anne Comey, are having a reunion on O'ahu. The last reunion was 17 years ago, in 1995. We encourage the entire 'ohana to participate. Registration forms are available upon request. Registration fee per family (eouple and children) is $5 non-refundable. Deadline to register is July 1. Jules Dudoit mamied Anne Comey; they had 7 children: Jules Jr. Charles Victor, Julia Ann Francesca, Caroline Agnes, Blanche, Adele Helen, Theodore Adrian, Aliee Maude. Contact: Godfrey and Cathy Kaonohi at email candg@ hawaii.rn.com or phone (808) 2.39-8684 (no text); Raedeen Cordeiro Meheula, kaleilehual6 @hotmail.com, (808) 2.32.-7665 (no text); Gayle Dudoit, freeindeed001@yahoo.com, (808) 222-6499. Facebook: Dudoit Unlimited (publie group). Program is as follows - Aug. 17: Family Pienie at Kualoa Beach Park; evening Family History Night at LDS Waikalua Chapel in Kāne'ohe. Aug. 18: Dudoit Gravesite Service at O'ahu Cemetery; Viewing of Family Artifacts: Dudoit Bible and Jules Legion of Honor Medals at Bishop Museum; Lū'au - location TBA. KAAPUNI/KELIILIKI - The descendants of John Kiaapuni and Ululani Keliiliki announee their Kaapuni Reunion for 2.012. It will be held on the Kaapuni homestead at Waiaka St, Waimea, Hawai'i, July 5-7. Children of John and Ululani include: Keoni Hooipo, Kahaunani, Minnie Mana (Nahale'a), Sam Ohule, Ben Kaonohikalani, Rose Kealohapauole, Kuulei, Joseph Kauhiokalani, Eben Maikai, Kamuela, Kanekawaiola and Mary Kalani (Phillips). Uiose interested in attending who have not heard from the family, contact Sandy Hubbel Kahawaii, (808) 885-3664, email: s_kahawaii@ yahoo.com or Barbara Phillips Robertson, (808) 885492.9, email: kaikena2.@yahoo.com

KA'AUHAUKANE - Na Lala 0 Ana Lumaukahili'owahinekapu Ka'auhaukane will celebrate our eighth 'ohana ho'olaule'a and pā'ina on Sunday, Aug. 5, 2.012, at Bellows Air Force Base, Pienie Pavilion A from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Submit your first and last name and date of birth to ensure that you ean enter the military base. Deadline to sign up with your family representative is July 21. Ana's makuakane was Kamokulehua'opanaewa Ka'auhaukane (k) and makuahine was Pailaka Ho'ohua (w). Ana was bom March 3, 1845, in Ka'auhulu, North Kohala, on the island of Hawai'i. Her date of death was Jan. 30, 1917. Her kaikua'ana was Kealohapauole Kalaluhi Ka'auhaukane (w). Ana married John Von Iseke and they were blessed with 'umikumakolu kamali'i: Maria, Elizabeth (Kapuaakuni and MeKee), Theresa (Kapiko and Quinn), John Isaacs (Lineoln), Joseph, Antone, Anna, Henry, Louis (Silva), Joseph Joachim (Cockett), Frank (Pereira), Charles and Katherine (Sing). Contact: Conkling MeKee Jr., 734-6002; Jackie Kapiko, 2.35-82.61; Colleen (MeKee) Tam Loo, 398-1600; Peter (Kapiko and Quinn) Machado, 689-0190; "Boss" (Iseke) Sturla, 664-9795; Louie (Isaacs and Iseke), 2169331; Pauahi (Baldomero and Wegener), 842702.1; Puanani (MeKee) Orton at 2.35-2.226. KA'AWA/HA'UPU/KAHALEUAHI/PIO The descendants of Ka'awa, Ha'upu, Kahaleuahi and Pio from Kaupō, Maui, are having a family reunion on O'ahu island. The reunion will be held at Westside Mauka Pavilion on Lualualei Naval Road in Nānākuli, Labor Day weekend, Saturday, Sept. 1, 2.012, from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. The contacts are as follows: general info: Judy Opunui (808) 2.2.7-4497; genealogy: Ha'upu: Lei Collins (808) 216-3182, tutuzbabz2002@yahoo. comor Gabriel Ka'awa (808) 72.8-5938; Ka'awa: Susie Martin (808) 2.23-6270, larrymsm@yahoo. eom; Pio: Mo'i Peters (808) 590-7186, epeters95@yahoo.com; Kahaleuahi: Gabriel Ka'awa (808) 72.8-5938; T-shirts: Lei Collins (808) 2163182, tutuzbabz2002.@yahoo.com or Ka'apuni Peters-Wong (808) 375-432.1, kalungka@yahoo. eom. We are still looking for descendants of these families. If you have any information, eontact those listed above. KAHAWAII/HAILI - The descendants of Rebecca Ewalani Kahawaii (1869-1950) and George Mikaele Haili (1872-1927) will be gathering for the first time to celebrate a family reunion Aug. 4-5, 2.012 (new dates) in Maui, Hawai'i. The Haili 'ohana originates from Kawaihae (Pamaiuluhaililani he kane/Maika'i ka wahine) and the Kahawaii 'ohana originates from Moanalua (Kahawaii he kane/Kalua Ikalii he wahine). We would like to gather the families of Harry George Haili (Rachel Lahela Bright), Peter David Haili (Elizabeth Keleionaia Manuia), Agnes Kanui Haili (William Hoopai Sr.), Elizabeth Kalua Haili, Simon Haili, John Kahawaii Haili (Katherine Florence Zoller Altery), and Clarisa "Clara" Mileka Haili (Carlyle Nelson). If you are descendants of the above family members, we invite you to join us for a weekend with good food and family fun. We look forward to seeing everyone therel Monthly meetings are being held to plan the festivities, the 'ohana is asking for all family members to send their contact information to Kehau Newhouse at (808) 344-0921 or email haili2.kahawaii@gmail.com Mailings will be sent to known addresses in early 2.012. KAMOKU - TheNa Kamoku 'Ohana Reunion

will be held on the island of Kaua'i July 18-2.1, 2.012. Wednesday and Thursday will be at Kamalani Beach Park, and on Friday there will be a lū'au. For information, contact Halan at (808) 652.-8470 or Thoma at (808) 346-8077. KANIALAMA - The Pukana O Kanialama Family Reunion is planned for Friday to Sunday, July 2.0-22, 2.012, in Hilo, Hawai'i. Descendants of Kanialama and Ka'ohuaino Long, Gooman, Kiahanu, Kona/ Kaianui, contact Melissa (īnciong) Andaya at kameahaiku@gmail.com or (808) 938-9962. KAUAUA - The Kauaua 'Ohana Reunion will be held July 21-22, 2.012, in Hilo, Hawai'i, at Wailoa State Park large pavilion. We are the descendants of Kelii-O-Nahuawai Kauaua, born in 1786, and Kauai-o-kalani Kanae, born in 1788. Kelii and Kauaiokalani had five children, all bom on Maui, in the district of Honua'ula: Papai, Kamaka, Puupuu, Apuakahei and Moeloa. Papai (1808) married Job Piena, Kamaka (1810) married John Kamakee Kuhaulua. Puupuu (1812) married w. Kalino Kailiponau, Apuakahei (1813) married Kahui-o-keaumiki, and Moeloa married Mataio Kaivi (Aka) Kaiwi. Cecilia Kailaa Hatsumi Naganuma Freeman (1911), born in Lahaina, was the founder of 'Ohana Kauaua. ElizabethMae Kapeka Pihana Morton (192.2), bom in Makena, Maui, was the first president and genealogist of 'Ohana Kauaua. There are more than 5,000 family members scattered throughout the world, and reunions are held every two years (rotating between Maui, O'ahu and Hawai'i). All family members are invited to the reunion to meet the cousins. Deadline to register is June 10. For information, contact (808) 934-0880 or (808) 959-6386, email amhilo6091 @yahoo. eom or visit kauauaohanareunion2012.com. KUKAHIKO - To the descendants of John, Kamaka and Halulukahi Kukahiko, the reunion on July 19-2.2, 2.012, will be at Veterans Foreign ofWar Facility in Kīhei, Maui. Registration forms ean be downloaded from our website kukahiko. weebly.com or email Kukahiko2.012.@yahoo.com to be added to the mailing list. A tentative schedule of the reunion's daily events and other important information ean be found on the website. MAHI'AI/NAPUMAI'A 'Ohana reunion of Mahi'ai and Napumai'a, July 4-8, 2.012, at Miloli'i Beach Park Pavilion, Kona. Children: Mama (w), Hookano (w), Pilahi (w), Malia (w), Kelekala (k), and Kaikaina (k). Mama (w) married to Kuna'aina (k) or Kahunai'aina, children: Lapauilo (k), Kealohapauole (k), Malia (w), and Keliihelela (w). Kaikaina (k) married to Paahao, children: Keliilawaia (k), Keona (k), Kalahikiola (w), Pilahi (w), and Napumaia (w). Kalahikiola (w) married to Kuanoni (k). Come join and meet your 'ohana. Any questions, email me at AnnieTaisee@yahoo.com or eall Annie Tai See, (808) 936-7707; Rose 01sen, (808) 966-8510; or Shirley Casuga, (808) 937-7073. MAIO - Aunty Momi Maio-Willing invites descendants of Peter Joe Maio and Jenny Kalanipii to a Maio 'Ohana Nui Reunion on Oct. 2.7, 2.012, at Kunia Okinawan Center. Contacts are: bertamaiol @y ahoo.com (events), vakautal@yahoo.com (database), alleymaio@yahoo.com (publicity). MAKAIWI - To the descendants of Moses, Edward, Robert, William, Hosea, Dorcas, David and Elena, we are having a Makaiwi 'Ohana Reunion on Moloka'i July 4-7, 2.012. If you have any questions or want to join us, feel free to email or eall me, Dolly Low, at dollybob2000@yahoo.com or (808) 2.13-1008.

MEYER - We are having a reunion for the descendants of George Kahelelani Meyer, who was married to Nancy Kaleiwahea (lst line) and had four children: George Kahelelani Meyer Jr., Maty Pilialoha Meyer, Annie Josephine Cecelia Meyer and Arthur Lee Meyer. 2nd line with Elizabeth "Lizzie" Kaleiwahea and had eight children: Elizabeth "Betty" Meyer, Abigail Kekahili Meyer, Elizabeth "Queenie" Kauwalu, Myra Lahapa Kaleiheana, William Meyer, Rebecca Leilani Meyer, Lilinoe Pualaniuma Ahoy and Samuel Meyer. The reunion will be held Saturday, Sept. 8, 2.012, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Waimānalo Village Recreation Center. For information, eall Sukie Obed at (808) 2.59-5994 after 6 p.m. or Aliee Theodore at (808) 358-5466 or email alicet@hawaii.rr.com. Aliee is updating our mailing list for upcoming mail outs. Call/email Aliee with your mailing/contact information. Save the datei We encourage all of you to join us and meet family! Families are forever! MOKUI KI/HA'AHEO/ KAUWAHIAKANOE - Our reunion, themed "Ho'omaopopo a 'ike. 'Ike a aloha. - To Understand is to know. To know is to LoveT will be Friday to Sunday, Aug. 31-Sept. 2, 2.012 (new dates) at Ahupua'a O Kahana State Park, 52-222 Kamehameha Highway (Highway 83), Kahana, O'ahu. Meetings are held the third Saturday of the month up until the reunion. Ka'ihe o Na'ihe (Na'ihe Kamaka [k] & Ka'a'ahupa'upa'u [w]) had the following: 1) Mokuiki Nui (k) & Lu'ukia Kekela Wailoalani (w) had 1 1 children: Mokuiki Opio (Lucy Ruth Larsen, Kulia Palakea); Kauahiakanoe (Sam Maka); Elizabeth Rebecca Kupihea (William Kekaahu, Henry Peni "Ben"); Pau, Pila (Leilehua Kauwaole), Kamaka, Mary Kawahinealoha (John Antone Drummondo), Kate, Mamaole, William Kaimi Sr. (Mary Lopes); Manaole (Pekelo). 2) Ha'aheo (k) & Ana Kaleo (w) had 15 children: Kealakaimana "Kealakuhilima," Ana li'ili'i (Kam Chee Au); Joseph Iokepa "Kepa" (Loika Keawemauhili, Kapukeleawe Kawaipua, Lupua); Samuel Pua (Jennie Palau, Ahmoe Awai, Rachel Naehu); Kaopu'ulani (Kamoku Mahakea); Lono, Kela, Puakela Rose (Kaluawai Lilinoe); Kaihe (Sarah, Bessie); Ka'omea (Mamane Keawemauhili); Kawai, Kaanaana, Ko'olina "Lena" (Peter Kamanawa, Pelisrata); Keamalu "Keonialu," Jimmy. 3) Kauwahiakanoe (w). Some family names related to the 'ohana are: Mokuiki, Ha'aheo, Au, HowChun, Kui Lobo, LaiHook, Achong Aichang, Kaio, Makaiau, Kekauoha, Souza, Keawemauhili, Alapa, Kamauoha, Wong, Fanene, Kelii, Kanakanui, Garvida, Kahala, Hao, Saffery, Kala, Drummondo, Kinimakalehua, Imaikalani, Makaweli, Wa'a, Kaupono. Contacts: Ahwoe Maina'aupo (808) 42.9-2.142, jmainaaupo731 @yahoo.com (chair); Helen Keaweehu (808) 772.-12.2.0, lennaliu35@yahoo.com (secretary); KelaMiller (808) 428-5835, millerk010@hawaii. rr.com (kupuna/hula); Jeff Renaud (808) 9540072, jemnzs@hotmail.com (registration); Ruby Au "Aka" (808) 2.93-5376 hm, (808) 2.94-142.3 eell (treasurer/T-shirts); Sam Kekauoha (808) 2.93-9955 hm, (808) 2.03-3597 eell, lktollefsen@ gmail.com (genealogy). Follow us, facebook. com/events/l 63 41 68 1 03 89244. OPUNUI/GONSALVES/KAEO Our 'ohana will be holding a Family Reunion Aug. 4, 2.012, at Pu'uki Park in Waialua. Pu'uiki Park has been reserved by the 'ohana for the weekend. The park has a groundskeeper and park gates close/lock at 10 p.m. 'Ohana may eamp

from Aug. 3-5. We will update our genealogy and fun-filled activities are planned. For information, contact Kehau Lu'uwai at kehaul@ aol.com or go to our Facebook page, Opunui Ohana. PEREZ - The Perez 'Ohana is holding a 2.012. family reunion July 2.7-2.9, 2.012, in Honolulu, O'ahu. We invite the descendants of Nicholas Perez (of Spain) and Kawahineaukai Pupuka, also the descendants of Joseph Perez (of Spain) and Leleau Kupukaa. For information, contact Napua Perez Ho at kenandnapua@yahoo.com or eall (808) 488-5318. A reunion newsletter will soon be delivered to those on the mailing list. Join our Perez Reunion private group on Facebook for updates and messages. THOMPSON - Charles Thompson, son of Lillian Eckart Thompson and Charles Edward Kealakekua Thompson, along with wife Momilani Thompson and 'ohana will be holding a Thompson family reunion on Maui for the descendants of (Papa) Charles Edward Kealakekua Thompson this Dec. 14-16, 2.012. Papa Charl.es was married four times and we would be happy to see all of his children and children's children attend. With his first wife, Annie Akuini, he had 11 children: Edward Ku'ulei, Lena, William, Matilda, Mina, Violet, Emma, Frank, Alexander Gay, Otto and Herbert. With his second wife, Amoe Ahio, he had two children, Judith and Maty Ann. With his third wife, Isabelle Namau'u, he had four children: Charles, Sherman, Isabelle and Pikake. With his fourth wife, Lillian Eckart, he had 1 1 ehildren: Charlene, Germaine, Gerard and Theresa, including adopted children Mary Elizabeth, Robert, Francis, Ann, Joseph, Charles and Adrienne Low. Contact Charles or Momi at 572.-9079 or at P.O. Box 790534 Pā'ia, HI 96779. Or, email them at cassi_kassen@yahoo. eom. RSVP by July 2.012.. WHITNEY - The descendants of Lucy Piliole Ohia and John Nakai Ainiu aka John Nakai Whitney are planning a Whitney 'Ohana reunion for Friday and Saturday, July 27 and 2.8, 2.012, in Hilo, Hawai'i, at Wailoa State Park. Part of Saturday will be a pienie day at Onekahaka Beach Park. The surviving children of Lucy Ohia and John (Ainiu) Whitney were: Joseph, Solomon and Robert Whitney. The children of Solomon (Ainiu) Whitney are: Phoebe WhitneyAguiar (dec.), Phillip Whitney (dec.), Solomon Whitney Jr. (dec.), Hattie Whitney, Emelia Whitney-Cabral and Annie Whitney-Laimana. The children of Robert (Ainiu) Whitney are: Lemona R. Whitney, Gilbert H. Whitney, Delbert A Whitney Sr., Joseph W.L. Whitney and Nani Whitney-Camacho. We would like to inform the children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and so forth of Joseph, Solomon and Robert to join us in this event. For information, eall Nani Camacho at (808)-769-8957 in Hilo,AuntyAnnieLaimana at (808) 2.71-7344 on O'ahu, and Aunty Emi Cabral at (808) 572.-8907 on Maui. YOK'MAN/YOCKEMAN/YOCKMAN/ YORKMAN - We will be having a family reunion for the descendants of Ching Yok'man and Annie Pa'ahau Maiu'u. Their children were William Yockeman, Edward Yockman, Rebecca Yockman and Craddock Yorkman. The reunion will be held Sunday, July 15, 2.012, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. at NAVFAC IN, Hawai'i, off of Salt Lake Boulevard. For information, contact Billy Yockman Jr. at (808) 2.58-6377, Grace Kekawa at (808) 4894000 or email ohana2012.@yahoo.com. ■

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