Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 29, Number 7, 1 Iulai 2012 — Page 23 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
PŌHAKULŪA TRAINING AREA Section 106 Notification of Draft Programmatic Agreement covering treatment of Historic Properties that may be affected by construction of an Infantry Platoon Battle Course and supporting infrastructure at U.S. Army Garrison-Pōhakuloa Hawai'i Island, Hawai'i The U.S. Army Hawaii (Army) announces the preparation of a draft programmatic agreement covering its responsibilitiesunderSections 106 and 1 10 of the Nahonal Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended, for the treatment of historic properties that may be atfected by the constmction of a new Infantry Platoon Battle Course (PBC) and supporting infrastructure at Pōhakuloa Training Area (PTA), Hawai'i Island. The proposed IPBC will be built within the existing Impact Area at PTA, and will provide a range that meets the current and foreseeable standards for Army training. The draft programmatic agreement has been prepared to address the treatment of historic properties. It is anticipated that revisions will be made to this draft as the result of public review and comment. The programmatic agreement covers evaluation and protection/ mitigation of historic properties that may be atfected by the PBC. Separate Section 106 consultationletters are also being sent out to individuals, families and groups that may have an interest in this project and its effects. If you would like to have a copy of the draft programmatic agreement for review, please contact Dr. Julie īaomia, Archeologist, U.S. Army Garrison, Pōhakuloa at ( 808) 969- 1966 or e-mail atjulie.m.taomia.civ@mail.mil, or Dr. Laurie Lucking, Cultural Resources Manager, U.S. Army Garrison, Hawaii at (808) 655-9707 or e-mail at laurie.j.lucking.civ@mail.mil. ■
For more information on the Kuleana Tax Ordinance orfor genealogyverification requests, please contact 808.594.1967 or email kuleanasurvey@oha.org. Empowering Hawaiians, Strengthening Hawai'i oha.org 711 Kapi'olani Blvd. Suite 500 • Honolulu, Hawai'i 96813 • 808.594.1835