Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 29, Number 7, 1 July 2012 — Fishers urged to report hookings of monk seals [ARTICLE]

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Fishers urged to report hookings of monk seals

Federal and state officials are urging those who fish to quickly report any accidental hookings of the federally protected Hawaiian monk seal. Hookings have been implicated in recent deaths of monk seals,

including a male monk seal found dead on Kaua'i with a hook in its esophagus in March and another monk seal of advanced age that was euthanized in May at Waikīkl Aquarium following surgery to remove a hook. In a joint statement, NOAA and the state Department of Land and Natural Resources said early reporting of accidental hooking ean help a seal survive and minimize its injuries if treated quickly. As of mid-May there were eight reported hookings in 20 12, compared to nine in all of 2011. There have been 77 hooking incidents reported in the past decade, according to the Nahonal Oeeanie and Atmospheric Administration's Fisheries Service. For printed guidelines on preventing and reporting interactions

with monk seals, go online to bit. ly/MGhlV5. To report a hooking, eall toll-free l-(888) 256-9840, 24 hours a day.