Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 29, Number 7, 1 July 2012 — Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Against Breast Cancer Malama kou kino . Mālama ^ kou ohana. Mālamapono . For help and information about breast and other cancers, eall 1.800.227.2345 or visit cancer.org
Homestead Self Help Program
5ujldin2;0 urOnana Homes...To2;etner
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PR0GRAM HIGHLIGHTS: •Family iabor keeps costs down •Serves families earning up to 200% of the area median ineome •Families receive free homeownership education . J\ Hft »Free technical assistance in the construction of their homes ^ «Help with finding home loan financing that fits your budget h lf you ean answer YES to... ^ V 0n the Oahu or Kauai Department of Hawaiian Home Land Wait List V Ready to Construct new home on weekends with other owner builders V Willing to work with Program partners to secure financing and receive technical assistance on the self help process V Excited to move into new Kapolei or Anahola home in 6 to 9 months after construction starts..
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#Contact the Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement's Anahola or Honolulu Offices to complete an application and participate in the construction of 10 fiomes in Piilani Mai Ke Kai, Anahola, Kauai and 20 homes in Kanehili, Kapolei, Oahu C-N-H-A Honolulu: 808-^6-8]^ Analiola: HAWAMANS^y Ēmail: info@hawaiiancouncil.org; ..SBtXULXtē] FOR H0M£STEAD LANDS ^ O QN H A'S