Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 29, Number 6, 1 June 2012 — International Market Place [ARTICLE]
International Market Place
NOTICE TO INTERESTED PARTIES IS HEREBY GIVEN that unmarked burial sites containing iwi kūpuna (human skeletal remains), consisting of what appears to be 3 individuals, were discovered by Cultural Surveys Hawai'i, Ine. during the course of an archaeological inventory survey related to the proposed redevelopment of the International Market Plaee. The burial sites are located within the existing International Market Plaee on lands owned by the Queen Emma Land Company at Kaluaokau Waiklkl, Kona District O'ahu, TMK: [l]-2-6-022: 036, 037, 038, 039 & 043. A State Inventory of Historic Properties site number of 50-80- 147308 has been assigned to identify
these historic properties. Following the procedures of Hawai'i Revised Statutes (HRS) Chapter 6E-43, and Hawai'i Administrative Rules (HAR) Chapter 13-300, the burials are believed to be over 50 years old. An evaluation of ethnicity has been made by the State Historic Preservation Division (SHPD) and the burials are believed to be Native Hawaiian. Background research indicates that during the Māhele these lands were awarded to William Lunalilo (1835-1874) - the future King Lunalilo - as part of LCA 8559-B. No kuleana (maka'āinana Land Commission Awards) are known in the immediate vicinity The applicant for this project is The Queen Emma Land Company and the contact person is: Mr. Les Goya [Tel: (808) 691-5900, 1301 Punehhowl Street, Honolulu, HI 96813]. The O'ahu Island Burial Couneil (OIBC) has jurisdiction in this matter and the proper disposition of these burials and treatment of the burial sites will be determined by the OIBC, in consultation with any recognized lineal and/or cultural descendants, per the requirements of HAR Chapter 13-300-33. Appropriate treatment of the burial sites shall occur in accordance with HAR Chapter 13-300-38. All persons having any knowledge of the identity or history of these burials are requested to immediately contact Ms. Coochie Cayan at the SHPD, located at Room 555, Kākuhihewa Building, 601 Kamōkila Blvd., Kapolei HI 96706 [TEL (808) 692-8015. FAX (808) 692-8020]. All interested parties shall respond within thirty (30) days of this notice and file descendancy elaim forms and/or provide information to the SHPD adequately demonstrating lineal descent from these specific probable burials or cultural descent from ancestors buried in the same ahupua'a or district. ■