Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 29, Number 6, 1 June 2012 — Lunalilo Home to host benefit golf tournament [ARTICLE]

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Lunalilo Home to host benefit golf tournament

Golfers are invited to tee off in a benefit toumament for Lunalilo Home, an adult residential care home that was established by the will of King William Charles Lunalilo, who died in 1874. The 21st annual Lunalilo Home Golf Toumament will be held Iuly 20 at the Hawai'i Kai Golf Course, 8902 Kalaniana'ole Highway. The touma-

ment, involving three-person teams competing in a modified scramble format, includes a light luneh, awards banquet and prizes. Registration and payment should be mailed by Iuly 6 to: Lunalilo Home, 501 Kekākauluohi St., Honolulu, HI 96825. Sponsors who ean provide monetary donations and prizes are also being sought. Funds raised will help support kūpuna at Lunalilo Home who are indigent, need help in their personal care needs and can't afford to pay the regular fees to reside in the home. Currently, 68 percent of its residents are Native Hawaiian. For information or to print a registration fonn, visit lunalilo.org or eall 395-1000.