Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 29, Number 6, 1 Iune 2012 — MEAOLOKO TABLE OF CONTENTS [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
lune June 2012 Vol. 29, No. 6 ho'okahua waiwai ec0n0mic 8elf-8ufficiency SBA recognizes 3 Mālama Loan recipients page s BYLISAASATO The Native Hawaiian business owners are honored at an annual awards ceremony kokākokā/community eouum Reflections on the Oalai Lama's visit to Hawai'i pāoe 6 BY J0HN DE FRIES AND KELVIN H. ĪAKEĪA ln a trip infused with Hawaiian culture, His Holiness reminds us to honor one another as a single humanity
nā hāhāhā/events Kumu Kahua revives i KāmauA'e* geh i BY ALIOE MILHAM " Alani Apio's play about Hawaiian sovereignty returns to the theater where it saw its debut 15 years ago mele ailana island music 8cene Standing together in song
page 23 BYALIGE MILHAM A new double CD, funded by OHA, is a musical marriage between charter school students and luminaries of the loeal music scene
Will Murray (Alika) mourns the death of Raymond Rivera (Georgie) in Kōmau A'e. - Courtesy: Pacific Light Studios