Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 29, Number 6, 1 June 2012 — Page 13 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Court will consider and rule on the method of calculatmg damages and arguments asserted by the State agamst damageclaims. This Notice does not mean that damages have heen or will he awanieei to the Waiting List Pamaees Moeiel Suhelass or to anv suhelass memher. Further legal proceedings, UicludUig possibly a trial, will be held Ui the future to determme what amount of damages, if any, wUl be awarded to Ihe subclass members. You Do Not Neeei To Take Anv Aetion To Have Your Damages Claim Presenteci In Further Leeal Proeeeciings As Part of the Waiting List Damages Moeiel Suhelass. Your Damages Claim Will Be Presented Bv Class CounseL The Court file Ui this case is available to Ihe public and ean be examUied at the olfice of Ihe Clerk of Court, FUst CUcuit Court, 777 Punchbowl SUeet, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96813. This Notice also is to address questions you may have, UicludUig: How do I Join the Waiting List Damages Model Subelass? You do not have to do anvthing to ioin the Waiting List Damages Model Suhelass. Thelawsuitwillbepresented on your behalf by Uie Subclass representatives and Class Counsel. You wUl not have to pay any attorneys' fees or costs or take any other action to participate. Class Counsel will be paid only if there is a recovery for the class. Class Counsel payment and any costs must be approved by the Court. You will continue to receive nohee of Unportant ruhngs or proceedmgs as dttected by Uie Court. How do I Opt-Out of the Waiting List Damages Model Subelass? If you do not wish to eonhnue as a member of Ihe WaitUig List Damages Model Subclass, you may opt-out of Uie Subclass and: a) HUe your own attorney and file your own damages complaUit; b) File your complamt pro se without an attomey; or e) Elect not to pursue your damages clanns Ui this case. Even if you opt-ouf however, you remaUi bound by Ihe rulings of the Court up to this pomt. TO OPT-OUT OF THE WAITING LIST DAMAGES MODEL SUBCLASS, mail a letter with Ihe followmg Uiformation: (1 ) your printed fiill legal name, (2) your