Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 29, Number 6, 1 Iune 2012 — Humpback whale sanctuary may broaden its focus [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Humpback whale sanctuary may broaden its focus

By Joseph Paulin The Hawaiian Islands Huniphaek Whale Nahonal Marine Sanctuary is updating its management plan and is considering shifting its focus from a single species, the humphaek whale, to an ecosystembased sanctuary, and is seeking applicants for its advisory eouneil. Twenty years have passed since the sanctuary was designated. Located in the main Hawaiian Islands, the sanctuary is one of the world's most important humphaek whale breeding, calving and nursing habitats. After two decades, Hawai'i now faces a new generation of concerns and opportunities. New and emerging issues challenge our ability to conserve our fragile island resources. Communities across our state are concerned about protecting the waters and coasts that we depend on. Managed through a partnership of the Nahonal Oeeanie and Atmospheric Administration and the State of Hawai'i, the sanctuary strives to protect humphaek whales through education, research and resource protection activities. Through

this state and federal management partnership, conununities have the opportunity to provide input on the management of sanctuary resources. Since 2010, the sanctuary has been engaged in an open puhlie process to review its management plan and determine the future scope and direction of conservation efforts. A high level of conununity engagement has been, and will continue to be, an essential part of this process. The goal of this effort is to significantly advance marine resource protection in Hawai'i through a new management plan that incorporates place-based knowledge, Native Hawaiian values and approaches, science and input from loeal conununities and partner agencies. A emeial component of sanctuary management is the role of its advisory eouneil. The eouneil provides advice to sanctuary managers and ensures eontinuous puhlie participation in sanctuary management. In January 2012, following a 90-day puhlie conunent period and yearlong working group process, the eouneil reconunended that the sanctuary broaden the current focus on humphaek whales to include an ecosystem-based approach to management. Additionally, the eouneil

advised the sanctuary proceed in a new direction and expand programs to aid existing efforts that address climate change, ecosystem protections, enforcement, maritime heritage, Native Hawaiian culture, offshore development, oeean literacy and water quality, while increasing protections for humphaek whales. ADVISORY COUNCIL Councilmembers represent a variety of stakeholders and loeal user groups, the general puhlie, and state and federal govermnental jurisdictions. They serve on a volunteer basis for two-year terms. Alternates attend meetings when primary members are not available. The sanctuary is seeking applicants for primary and alternates for the following eouneil seats: Native Hawaiian, Fishing, Education, Research (primary only), Hawai'i County, Kaua'i County, Maui County, Honolulu County (alternate only), Conunercial Shipping (alternate only) and Youth/ Student Seat (age 14 to 17). Candidates are selected based on their expertise and experience, community

Communities across our state are concerned about protecting the waters and coasts that we depend on. and professional affiliations, and views regarding the protection and management of marine resources. Applications are due lune 30 and ean be obtained on the sanctuary website, http://hawaiihumpback whale.noaa.gov, or by contacting Ioseph Paulin at Ioseph.Paulin@noaa.gov or (808) 397-2651 ext. 257. Submit completed applications to: Ioseph Paulin, Hawaiian Islands Humphaek Whale National Marine Sanctuary, 6600 Kalaniana'ole Highway, Suite 301, Honolulu, HI 96825. ■

Joseph Paulin isAdvisory CounciI coordinator at the Hawaiian Islands Humphaek Wlmle National Marine Sanctuary.

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