Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 29, Number 4, 1 ʻApelila 2012 — OHA, state settlement update [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
OHA, state settlement update
/A no'aikakou ... Ē \ Two of the most important pieces of legislation in /— V recent OHA his- # %torv have been
approved by committees in the state Senate and now look toward consideration by the House of Representatives. SENATE BILL 2783 On March 2, the Senate eommittees on Judiciary and Labor and Way s and Means passed SB 2783 (part of Governor Abercrombie's Legislative Package) UNAMENDED. SB 2783 will:
(1) Resolve all claims OHA has raised relating to its portion of ineome fromthe Puhlie Land Trust fromNov. 7, 1978, to June 30, 2012; and (2) Fulfill constituhonal obligations to Native Hawaiians by providing OHA with fee-simple title to certain parcels of land situated in Kakaako Makai. The proposal would not affect any other claims against the state. The bill now goes to the lloor of the Senate for approval before it crosses over to the House. I would like to thank everyone who supported SB 2783, including Gov. Neil Abercrombie, the Attorney General, the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands, the Kalihi Palama Hawaiian Civic Club, the O'ahu Council Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs, the Native Hawaiian Chamber of Commerce, the Ko'olau Foundation, Kako'o 'Oiwi, the Ko'olaupoko Hawaiian Civic Club, the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs, and the Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement. Onee SB 2783 passes and the lands are transferred to OHA, the revenues generated by the parcels will help to support OHA's many Native Hawaiian programs. However, this may take some time as we assess all of the options available to us and work through complicated property issues that need to be dealt with before the parcels are ready for use. SENATE BILL 682, SENATE DRAFT 1 On March 1, the Senate committees
on Water, Land and Housing, and Judiciary and Labor passed SB 682 SD1. Essentially, SB 682 SD1 would allow residential development on two parcels (919 and 653 Ala
Moana Blvd.), whieh will be conveyed to OHA if SB 2783 is approved by the Legislature in its current form. OHA, along with the governor and attorney general, testified in support of SB 682 SD 1. The attorney general testified that he appreciates the bill's intent and didn't object to its passage as long as it does not hurt the passage
of SB 2783 and is acceptable to the Legislature as a whole. OHA took the same position. The right to develop residential structures on these two lots would add significant value and could someday provide the needed revenue for our Nation to be self-sufficient. It should also be noted that OHA remains eommitted to the guiding principles of the Conceptual Master Plan and will address these principles in any application for development permits for the two lots. OHA Chair Colette Machado was quoted by KITV4 (March 2) that OHA would focus on affordable rental housing for Oahu 's workforce and not luxury condominiums. Chair Machado stated that "We could go up to 200 feet, and we are looking at residential as an opportunity as a home base for our people. We are talking rentals, not condos because we will not sell the ceded lands." Governor Abercrombie was also quoted as saying, "This is part of a whole idea of Kakaako as the third city in Honolulu. With this OHA settlement, Kakaako is going to be the plaee people want to be." SB 682 SD 1 now heads over to the House for consideration. Aloha Ke Akua. ■ Interested in Hawaiian issues and OHA ? Please visit my web site at www. wwenaakana. orgfor more information or email me at rowenaa @ oha. org.
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