Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 29, Number 4, 1 April 2012 — Applications open for OHA-funded Liko Aʻe scholarship program [ARTICLE]
Applications open for OHA-funded Liko Aʻe scholarship program
The University of Hawai'i Maui College has announced an Office of Hawaiian Affairs grant award of $430,000 to Liko A'e Native Hawaiian Scholarship Program. This award will provide Hawaiian students pursuing higher education degrees hnaneial aid for the upeoming 2012-13 academic year. The focus of the grant is on nontraditional students attending accredited universities and colleges nationwide and certain vocational schools in Hawai'i. Scholarship awards range between $2,000 and $5,000 per full-time student for the school year. "Liko A'e has a long and successful track record of assisting higher education students with hnaneial aid, and wrap-around services that include counseling, community service and cultural activities. We have a great opportunity before us to eonhnue this program and to be aligned with one of OHA's strategic goals to increase the number of Native Hawaiians graduating from college," said Liko A'e program director Malia Davidson. "This is a win-win partnership. "With OHA's ongoing support, we eonhnue doing what we are passionate about - helping our students navigate their way through the many facets of academia and see them through to graduation." Deadline to apply is May 1 . The applieahon ean be found online atlikoae.org. Students should eheek the site for applieahon requirements prior to applying. For more information, visit likoae.org or eall the office at (808) 984-3630.